
Brotherhood Update: Painting Scouts

Ah, a day off to myself!  Plus I feel good enough (translate that to, "Not wiped out," and, "My leg ain't hurting much,") to sit down a paint.

Here's the progress so far.

These models are mostly there, barring a few light touchups.  Soon I'll spay the matte coat and, in the case of the horns on the backpack, paint on a varnish coat.

Those horns will have a moderate amount of blood around the base, and I dig the way varnish makes the blood look.  Cool effect.  Very Chaos Brotherhood.

The brown armor is an obvious departure from the gold of the Brotherhood scheme, but given they're Scouts they may want to - you know - scout.

And hide.  Stuff like that, which is difficult to do with the sun beating off gold and all that.

The actual units these boys lead are currently being worked on, but there is a ways to go.  I'm hoping to be done in the next several hours.


  1. Well, despite the fact that they're...some kinda wacky Wolfie 'counts-as,' I'd say they look ok.

    Except for the pink.
    I'm sorry, Brent...I love ya.
    But that pink 'flying skull' and upthrust...fist....is saying something kinda uncool to me....
    ...it's freakin' me out a little, actually.
    Uh, no, fisty guy....I'll pass, thanks...

    And the pink horns on the other guy...
    Well, his backpack is faaaaaaabulous...
    *jazz hands*

    I know you have a 'thing' for pink, but I dunno, dude...it ain't lookin' manly on the 'Brotherhood.'
    Quite the opposite, in fact...
    and dude- pink horns with blood at their bases?

    Hey, man- yer army.

    Damn, I can't even say 'drill out those barrels' without thinking...something horrific...
    So I guess you've got THAT going on.

    Pink and Marines...just don't work together, imho...just sayin'...

    Pink works pretty good on 'Nids, though...and nobody questions...

  2. and jesus, Lo,'
    don't encourage him...

  3. Really good work... simply amazing :O

  4. Although I think your painting skillz are fair, the paint scheme itself looks like hammered shit. Throw them in some simple green and start again, looking at the complementary colors chart.

  5. I read the other comments, and I'm going to have to agree. Pink and green and blue and brown don't seem to work so well together on these guys. The painting itself is superb!

  6. Hey! I really like the lack of metallic paints in this. That brick red color is my favorite color and I think it really suits the other colors in these models very well! The green on the back of the knees could be another color already used as it sort of feels out of place. Maybe a less saturated pink could do some good. But the color scheme is yours and it something that makes the army yours. I really just like that you're getting away from so much metal.

  7. Is it coincidence that the look vaguely like Marvel characters?

    I mean, hairy is a slight stretch to Sabretooth, but Fisty is Guido Carosella, no doubt.

  8. I liked the pink! I'm also a huge fan of over the top looking minis, and I'm maybe just biased as a Brent fanboy I suppose... P.S. are you coming up for DaBoyz? Just wondering so I know if I'll have a chance to admire from afar again and maybe work up the courage to walk past and catch a hint of your musk if not just for a moment...
