
Killzone Missions

Here's the continuation of the Killzone article I had on Bell today.  Check out the article: HERE.

Brian has always been a great sport, and I appreciated the opportunity to showcase his talent yet again... seriously, just how incredible should one dude be?  I have to work twice as hard at being mediocre as this dude does at being great.  What can you do?

Brian on Killzone Missions for Adepticon

Brian:  The most recent release of Special Operations: Killzone includes an additional download with 18 individual Missions designed to add a dramatic flair to your standard games. Each of these Missions present an often quirky agenda designed to redirect your resources and challenge your capacity as a Team Leader. Naturally, this seemed an ideal starting point for thinking about how the tables would work.

Brian:  With the fluff of the tables in mind, it seemed a quite simple step to try and make the tables something like a league, in which players moved either into the depths of the city or back out the gates depending upon their relative successes. There were, however, two glaring problems with this approach: 1) a player could conceivably get stuck on a single table or repeatedly bounce between two while facing the same opponents, and 2) Killzone is not really well-suited to that kind of dynamic.

Brian:  When I was conscripted to run this event, Matt W. was rather keen to point out that these games (in a dynamic that is obviously and dramatically removed from the way the game was intended to be played) were meant to be a notable counterpoint to the more rigorous and competitive nature of the other events of the weekend. It is all a bit of a lark, really –one glorious, complicated, compelling lark… as this hobby should be. Besides, there is a Combat Patrol tournament for those that want to flex their competitive skirmish muscles, and good on them.

Brian:  So the Missions: I kept an eye on the Mission supplement while designing the tables and decided that each table would always play the same Mission while the players simply move around from set piece to set piece. This way, the players would get to play against the largest variety of opponents on the most number of tables in the greatest possible combination of tactical challenges –win, win, win.

Brian:  At the end of the day, I have also included a mechanism to tally the total Mission Points for each player to designate a “winner,” but have also kept a nod toward other worthwhile pursuits like player’s choice, most cinematic, etc.


  1. The more I see Killzone, and the closer Adepticon gets, the more I wish I'd signed up to go.


    oh well. You'll get to possibly meet SandWyrm.

    I'll prob. go to Adpeticon next year.

  2. Shiner Bocks all round!

  3. Good luck to everyone participating in the Killzone Events!

    Wish I could have been there. I am certain that with Brian at the helm the game is in good hands!


  4. Brian, hate me for roping you into this yet? Ha! Wait until I tell you about my plans for you next year!

    Also - I am officially offering to 'store' a few board over at my house post-convention...
