On Unicorns and Holidays <---Original Article Link
(What follows is a letter from a reader, and it's by far the nicest feedback I've yet to receive.)
I've taken a few months off from the gaming Blogoshpere and its inherent drama. My interest in gaming stuff sort of goes in cycles that last a couple months before something else distracts me for a while lol.
So, I've been poking around the forums and Blogs to see if I missed anything worthwhile - and it looks like I did!
The open mindedness in your Unicorns and the Holidays was pretty damn refreshing. I think its a fair stereotype to apply, that the gaming community in general is pretty limited in their scope of social graces. Not only did you address the typical awkwardness girl gamers endure, but you expanded on that to include the GLBT portion of our little niche world.
Not many guys have the balls to do that, and not many guys in the gaming world can earn my respect with a single blog post - but you did.
So, thank you for supporting your local and not so local unicorns. A noble gesture like that can show some scared kids out there that they don't have to hide from everyone and it's ok to be who they really are.
And, your Protectorate stuff is looking pretty sweet (even through my bias for Merc and Cryx stuff ;) )
Take care,
People are it, the big enchilada - the only thing going. There is nothing more interesting than We The People... in all our beautiful, ugly glory! It's probably why I do what I do for a living; it's certainly why this is my hobby. Thanks for making my day, Isabelle!
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This is why Brent is awesome, not only is he cool enough to be A-ok with the lgbt community but the fact that he openly shows thanks to us for showing thanks to him for all the goodness. I approve! A++ epic.
It's and ackward subject in the wargaming community to say the least, I myself am fairly open about it and our gaming group is thankfully pretty open minded on the subject. However I have noticed a trend of what most would call conservativly minded gamers (and not just the older genrations) I hope that in the future there will be less labels for gamers and just simply gamers. So cheers to you brent for furthering inter group relations.
BH Senior Editor
Yeah, when Jennifer sent me to read your post on Unicorns I have to say I gained a lot of respect and admiration for you here brent. The fact that you are so accepting of trans and in general the lgbt community, it shows how good of a person you are.
-yoda voice- Agree with Jennifer I do, Epic...you ARE.
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Funny I have seen this coming up more recently. I suppose that just means people are no longer afraid to address it. Of course, for me, this should be a non-issue in the first place. My first two games of Warmachine were against a transgendered lady. She beat me and then beat me with my own army!
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