This post won't be that useful to you hobbyists out there, but it may help a fellow Blogger or two. I usually won't use the page-break on a new article, preferring to leave the whole thing on the front page to make for an easy read. The problem with that is long articles clogging up the page-space.
My solution is a bit of housecleaning every few days.
I'll go through and edit the older posts - especially the long ones - and insert a page break (see above), usually after the first picture. Many blogs insert these as standard; I'm outlining the way I do it, which I gather is somewhat unusual.
The page-break will automatically enter the 'read more' hyperlink (see above).
Voila! Articles take up less room and people can click on what they want to read.
Most of you probably know all this though, right? I guess I'll have to post over this later today!
Know why? 'Cause school is done, *SELF-EDIT*! That's right, I finished my thesis paper for Neurobiology - some supplementary intervention for persistant-state hyperalgesia... I forget now that it's done... AND I'M FREE!
(Sorry - got excited there for a bit...)
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Hi there,
I didn't knew the thing with the break so thanks for the tip.
And gratulations to finishing your thesis paper.
For some reason, some people don't have the page break button, and some of those who do are reporting trouble with it lately.
consider yourself lucky that this feature works for you
Wordpress does this better hehe =p
Thanks, Brent! It can be a problem at mine and I have the button so I'll give it a try.
Thanks Brent, this is the most useful article I have seen you post. Haha. I'll definitely checking out this feature.
Congratulations on finishing school, Brent!
Congrats on finishing your thesis!
Interesting; I'd been considering doing page breaks for a while but didn't want to have to fool with more code; having a button is much easier. May start doing that, especially for my longer posts. Thanks!
heh. it's something We go over with new contributors.
A few guys have had to go into their ORIGINAL blogs, and update Blogger to get the Page break icon to show up. It was a feature that was added sometime last year.
but it makes reading stuff easier. I wish Stelek could figure out how to do Page Breaks again.
Congrats on finishing the Thesis. Is it off to review committee now, or was this finished after completing re-writes?
go relax for a while. you've earned it.
Doh! I wasn't that clear, I'm afraid. I finished the Neurobio Thesis - 17 pages of AAAGGGH - but my Master's Thesis isn't until next year.
Still, this semester has been the biggest beat down I've yet had the pleasure of living through so I'm monumentally grateful I'm done!
As an aside, I do think I'm playing it somewhat smart. My entire graduate work-product is a variation on a subject (chronic pain and non-pharm interventions) because it's what I'm going to do my Master's Thesis on. I'm saving myself headaches later, I hope.
Thanks guys, and I'm glad the article was a benefit for some of you. :)
I know I had to look forever trying to figure out how to do it on my blog. I think in the end, it was something simple, like toggling the options to 'advanced formatting' or something.
It's also handy to have it so that you can see how many hits each page gets, so you know what people want to read and what they really don't care about at all. If your post is just out there in the open, then every time someone comes to the blog, the article is counted as 'read' by the little stat mechanism.
Congrats, e-bro, and enjoy the downtime!
I sometimes deliberately leave an article full page for about 24 hours after posting to encourage reads. Depends on length, mostly. Sometimes, though, I forget the break, usually because I thought I'd already done it, and must edit! If this article helps that, fantastic!
Also.... there's a similar tag for those who use Word Press ("Insert Read More tag" similar icon to BlogPress)
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