Da Boyz... Random Army Pics
I'm actually sitting in class, waiting for my neurobiology teacher to show up and drop some knowledge on me, but I thought I would take a few minutes to update the old blog.
For the astute - heck, for the dense - it's obvious I wasn't able to update the way I wanted over the weekend. Reason? No internet. El sucko, I tell you! So I'm a bit behind, but have no fear 'cause I've got a lot to say and I'm ready to say it!
Just not right now.
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Oh man, what kind of jerkface plays that Imperial Guard Ork army? Can't wait for the battle reports.
@dingareth: I'm pretty sure that's Darkwynn, BoLs writer and the inventor of the Leafblower, wheter or not that's a merit is ofcourse discussable.
Nope - that Ork army belongs to Rob Baer, who posts under the name Man Boy Genius.
He owns a game store, which I think has a online store... not sure.
Nick retired his guard army. He's playing Blood Angels atm.
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