
What's Wrong With This Picture?

So, let's play!

What's wrong with this Reclusiarch?
In other news, I was planning backup armies in case Da Boyz judges completely tore apart my Daemons army.  We'll be having the comp conversation here...

...just not today.  There's no point; the Blogosphere is dead due to the Battle For Salvation.

Speaking of, Stelek beat Jawaballs.  I cried a little.  He did.

Anyway, my backup plan was either Eldar or Blood Angels, but I was worried either way.  Evil Homer, among others, was adamant that I shouldn't try to learn a new army before a major event.  I agreed... but.

That but is my downfall:  I overthink everything.  Everything.  

I'm a bit obsessive and I live in my head.  To a certain extent I've always been that way but it's become more apparent over the years.  Part of it is due to the nerve pain; I had to learn focusing techniques to think past breakthough spikes, and frankly I think that plus my natural tendency in that direction anyway combined to make me a bit distant.

It's actually where I got the 'blue digital headache' concept.  I'll start working through something and tune out the world.

My wife is long-suffering!

But that's neither here nor there.  Point is, I whipped up a Blood Angels list and played Evil Homer.

I full-reserved rather than face that many Chimeras and Vendettas.  Didn't help.
It was a typical Comp vs Competitive matchup.

I was curb-stomped.

I'm glad I had word prior to the game that my Daemons list scored 55.  That's less than average but workable; I'm already planning the changes now.


  1. The barrel on the bolt pistol HASN'T BEEN DRILLED OUT!!!!!

    And comp sucks more balls then being omnipresent.


  2. Its on a 40mm base? I know the rule is "ask your opponents permission" since I run tyrannofexes on 120mm bases :) Conveniently, CDs and Large Blast templates are also 120mm bases, but I need it, my conversions are more than just "oh look, here is my Carnifex with double gun"

  3. tyrannofex isn't subject to this rule as there is no stock model for it. If the model comes with a base it must be mounted on that base.
