
Killzone Blitz: Friday

As a general rule, I hate posting over something on the blog... but considering I stole it from the Master Manipulator (every store needs one)'s site, why not pop over there and tell him what you think?

And it wouldn't hurt you to hit the Follow button while you're at it.  Heck, hit mine!

Still, it occurred to me that I've been posting these pictures without context.  Obviously I'm building a Counts-As Space Wolves army called the Brotherhood, but more to the point... why these?  Are they test models?  Yes, but they're also models for my Killzone force.

This weekend is the Killzone Blitz, and I'm trying to do my part to help out Big Jim over at Galaxy in Flames.  I was trying to paint up a Killzone force in time for this weekend's content, but at the rate I'm going I won't finish.

Here's what I have so far.

As test models, they're meant to be Brotherhood with a slight Khorne, Tzeentch, and Slaanesh flair, respectively.  It's hard to miss the Tzeentch model though...

...frankly, Killzone was my inspiration to finally paint him.  It gave me a place to put him that made sense.

It's one of the first models I collected, way back in the early 90's.  I was living in England at the time and this bugger was in a blister in a corner store, right next to penny candy.  I scrapped change to purchase him.

Anyway, I doubt I'll have enough painted for the weekend's blitz of content, but I'm helping out in other ways.  Keep your eyes peeled.

Thoughts?  Comments?  Hugs and Gropings?


  1. That last model if fraking great! I really dig some of them old Chaos minis, they had so much character!

    Thanks for all help getting the word out, Brent.

    I don't care what everyone else says, you are a great dude!


  2. ...

    So what are they saying?

    Is it about my hair again?

  3. Cowlick Brent... does that mean Not Brent has awesomesauce hair OR none at all?


  4. I'd like to believe that Not Brent is too hard for hair, which has been clinically proven not to grow on steel.


    Big Jim is correct. That mongrel Tzeentchian Champion is simply glorious.

    Stay golden.
