
Themed Armies: A New Series

Every cat is a critic.
So the basic idea is can themed lists work across multiple armies - and the short answer is I have no idea.

CliffNotes: We compare two Plasma Gun Themed armies.

Let's explore what we know.

A Mono-God army is possible in Chaos Space Marine and Chaos Daemon lists, and while that might be fun to explore in the future, it's not a concept that's possible across a spectrum of armies, so that's out.

We're looking for ideas and concepts that are more or less universal.  Some are used so often they've become the standard, Mech and Melta Gun spam being the top examples.

Let's agree on a few ideas; Mech is a broad concept and Melta Guns a more specific one.  Broad concepts aren't really useful for comparing and contrasting an idea across Codexes, so that's out.

And there went a model...
Melta Guns are an idea that's overdone... because it's almost required reading.  That's out.  But.  But... BUT!  Melta Guns are the best way of destroying tanks in the battlefields of the 41st Millenium, so any serious army we come up with will probably have them somewhere. 

Which brings me to the most important thing: these armies need to be good!  (They don't have to be great.  That's asking too much!  I expect some will be poor in a way I didn't see at first, but that's why this is a discussion.)

By good, I mean competitive.  By competitive, I mean consistent.

Competitive is Consistent.  We'll be touching on that them for the next few months, both here and on Bell.

Okay, so that's out of the way, let's look at the first two armies.  The theme is Plasma Guns.

Chaos Space Marines:

Imperial Guard:

So, why am I doing this?  So he has something to write about.  To stretch the ol' Mind Muscle, of course!

I don't expect to build great armies every time - this is strictly a learning experience, so help a brother out. 

Let's have it: your thoughts, armies, ideas - changes even.  Rip them apart and let's learn this thing together.


  1. Brent I can't see Imperial Life in the blog roll. I thought we were friends *sadface*

    And those Army Rosters are a PITA to read. My eyes hurt trying to understand them.


  2. I know Imperial Life is there somewhere!

    I'll check - I recently tried to separate the HoP from the rest but it got to big... maybe it got dropped then. I'll correct that if so.

    Re: the PDF's I didn't realize - I'll readjust.

    Thanks for the heads up!

  3. Hey Mod, did you click on the pictures?

    I thought maybe there was a problem, but I just tested it. Click on the pictures and you can zoom in.

  4. More cats as this series continues IMO.

  5. Ha! Great Avatar!

    Re: the cats, I'd be satisfied to get some comments. The Blogosphere is empty due to school starting. People are reading, just not chatting.

    It happens.

  6. It isn't the size. It is the damn Army Builder layout. So much to pick through it was hurting my eyes. Not as bad as Stelek and his army lists... but it still owied my eyes trying to understand those lists.


    p.s. sorry for late reply can blame it on stupid university
    p.p.s. it is sad that your army roster is the sort of thing used at tournaments... although not as bad as hand written army rosters.
    p.p.p.s. i'm stealing your idea of using surgical clamps to hold miniatures
