My email address blew up yesterday with people sending me proof of something that has, until now, only been a rumor.
Today, we ask then answer the question: Does Project Mayhem exist? Is Dethtron walking at the head of a group of internet anarchists? That's two questions.
CliffNotes: Today, we ask then answer the question: Does Project Mayhem exist?
Don't click to read more unless you're ready for the awful truth.
First, Brent works hard to write a glowing review of Dick Move on Blood of Kittens, in the soon to be properly lauded series On Blogging. Don't bother holding your lack of applause.
Second, the comments section is lit up by people using a bad, bad word... what word? It's a word that reminds me of a stack of books and a fear I'd be called to the blackboard to answer a maths question I can't even concentrate on because I'm terrified the class will see my SELF-EDIT *morning glory* and I'd have to drop out of school if I didn't die on the spot. What's with all the shame? Make no mistake, a glory it is!
That word. It was being used as punctuation.
So I scramble around, trying to plug the damn of insanity! I throw my hands wide and yell, "It's him! It's Dethtron! He's doing this: follow this link!" The link was proof positive of Dethtron's complicity. Gotcha! Satisfied I'd done what I could to stem the tide of anarchy, I sat back and waited for right-minded people to take the reins from the new-age hippies. Forgetting right thinking people don't actually read your stuff, right?
But I didn't actually get any proof. Who knew Dethtron's sources were that good? Who knew he was that on top of his criminal enterprise? Who indeed? I wasn't saying anything.
Instead, when you followed my link back to the source, this is what you saw...
What's this? A bit of harmless self-promotion? A nice picture and a nice blurb?
It was an obvious victory for wrong-mindedness. Right-thinking people everywhere - good, moral people like me - were being overrun by... by...
...them. I prepared to tell my therapist all about it when a chink appeared in the armor.
Messanger of Death (he means to spell it that way) showed up with proof of Dethtron's crime. If it isn't a felony, it should be! Of course, MoD was extorting me for the information, but given I wanted proof of a crime I was willing to overlook it. There's a lesson there, by the by.
Without further ado, here it is...
Here it is, the original post. He's calling for an uprising. Click here to view the crime scene, where that word is dropped like corpses in Grand Theft Auto.
By the way, here's the pictures I took with me to show my (long-suffering, mythical) therapist, evidence that it is terribly hard to beat someone who changes the rules on you.
Lastly, for those of you emailing me asking how I could have participated in a FNIF when I'm such an obvious enemy of everything this dude and his site stands for, I say this: what are you talking about? I never did that. I don't know what you're talking about. Heh.
There's a reason the comments were in green.
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