
BoLSCon Objective Markers

I finally finished the construction of my super-secret BoLSCon 2010 project, so now all that's left is painting them.  I'm working on some test models based on the advice from Lauby over at Lauby Industries ('cause I can't spell his name - I shorten everything, don'tcha know).  Once I have some test models finished I'll post them for feedback.

So, to congratulate myself, I've decided to showcase my objective markers - another of the BoLSCon projects...

Okay, so you've seen most of this before.  The only hold-back was the Goatbanner model, which I was saving in case Bell ever published my article.  Since I'm done dreaming, here it is.  Also, I recognize these markers aren't very practical but c'mon!  It's BoLSCon!

...so we have...

1) Super-secret army: check
2) Objective markers: check
3) Mock-up of digital head: check

So obviously my super-secret army is not-so-super-secret now, but still, nobody has seen it.  Well, the Mighty Mighty Carlos has, but he won't spill the beans.  I hope.

The digital head is for the team-tournament display board... so you may be able to guess what another project is...

Finally, Dethtron's Brent or Not Brent poll is finally closed - THANK GOD!  I was becoming an advertising whore.  Now I have to find out who those 24 'Not Brent' votes were.  Shouldn't be hard: I bet I'll see some of them tonight.


  1. Add a pair of Eldar FTW T-Shirts I've got for us and the Eldar fanboy look is complete!

  2. Oh fine Brent...

    So Goatboy gets a bloody effigy objective marker and old Bigred is left out in the cold...

    That sobbing you hear in the background is me...


    PS, without Spock ears you are not fully committed to "Team Eldar"

  3. I am totally susceptible to suggestion - in fact, I feel this burning desire to burn a Pre-Heresy Death Guard marine...

    Now, how do I get Spock ears?

    These are the emails that drive Fritz nuts, I think.

  4. You won't be seeing me tonight!

    The angry jawa banner made my day.

    I went to a university (UTD) whose mascot was, unfortunately, the Comet. However, when Star Wars Episode IV was rereleased and a theater full of us heard the Jawa battle cry (as they bravely attacked droids), "Ooh-Tee-Dee!," jawas became our unofficial mascots.

  5. "Now, how do I get Spock ears?"

    Shit, you just made a digital head, make 'em yourself like any good pointy ear would do! :D
