Painting vehicles sucks.
In fairness, I don't know the tricks. I'm doing a line effect between the armor plating of my Storm Raven. What I SHOULD have done is paint the primary color, then paint in the lines, then touch up and voila! Not bad! Not what I did, no...
I painted the lines in then painstakingly painted the primary color plate by plate by plate by plate by plate by plate... You get the idea.
When I'm painting, my mind wanders. Truth is, there is never enough time to do all the armies you'd want. Me and Evil Homer are the same on this score; both of us have the miniatures for a Tzeentchian Chaos Space Marines list, but don't have the inclination to build something that won't win often.
Here's a test mini I speed-painted not too long ago; following that, the latest list I've been thinking up. And no, it won't happen - not until the Chaos boys get a new 'dex.
Daemon Prince of Tzeentch with Wings, Bolt, and Warptime: 200
Ditto: 200
Tzeentch Marines Squad, Sorcerer with Bolt; Rhino with Dozer Blade: 222
Ditto: 222
Ditto: 222
Ditto: 222
Five Summoned Daemons: 65
Ditto: 65
Ditto: 65
Ditto: 65
Two Obliterators: 150
Ditto: 150
Ditto: 150
Total: 1998
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That looks nice, not much else you can do with Tzeentch sadly.
The 1K sons can be devastating. The 1K DPrinces rock. I don't give my ASP Sorcs bolt but warptime instead. I run at least one LR too.
Relentless AP3 bolters and an invuln save on everything is money.
playing a marine based army, 1ksons are the bane of my existence. ap3 bolters ignore my armor saves, 4+ invuln on all units, basically walking around in cover, great for escorting tanks and land raiders. ahriman is a beast, but expensive. plus, an asp sorc upgrade for each troop squad gives each squad a force weapon. warptime + winds of chaos is just not right.
I was running 2 units out of land raiders. Move, rapid fire, assault, WoC sorcerers, dual princes, and lesser demons.
Was a fun little list, not how I would run them now, and it took every bit of concentration to eek our wins.
Nowadays I would run them as MSU, WoC or Bolt, Rhino, Dual princes, and oblits.
Something like:
2000 Pts - Chaos Marines Roster -
1 Daemon Prince @ 205 Pts
Wings; Mark of Tzeentch;Warptime Wind of Chaos (x1)
1 Daemon Prince @ 205 Pts
Wings; Mark of Tzeentch;Warptime Wind of Chaos (x1)
4 Thousand Sons @ 217 Pts
Rhino;1 Aspiring Sorcerer @ [90] PtsWind of Chaos
4 Thousand Sons @ 217 Pts
Rhino;1 Aspiring Sorcerer @ [90] PtsWind of Chaos
5 Thousand Sons @ 217 Pts
Rhino;1 Aspiring Sorcerer @ [90] PtsWind of Chaos
5 Thousand Sons @ 217 Pts
Rhino;1 Aspiring Sorcerer @ [90] Pts; Wind of Chaos
3 Obliterators @ 225 Pts
3 Obliterators @ 225 Pts
3 Obliterators @ 225 Pts
Total Roster Cost: 1999
I guess we think alike. My list is similar, except with Bolt instead of Breath and giving up 3 Oblits for some Daemons to drop.
I guess it isn't much surprise - there are only so many ways to run them effectively.
Yeah, even with Bolt they have so little anti-tank, it hurts my 'cool' centres of the brain.
I love 1k Sons. So much so, that, one day, I'll Pre-Heresy the crap out of them.
Fleahost and BroCo, I really hope you're kidding =/
AP3 bolters are only S4 and mitigated by cover. 4++ means nothing when they die like basic marines to autocannons and scatter lasers. S&P is bad. They're terribad in combat against pretty much anything.
That looks slick Evil Homer, as far as Tsons can be, but cracking open enough transports so you can puke on them will be the trick.
This is why my Thousand Sons don't use a bad codex, they also aren't "powdered marine: just add sorcery."
I blab about them some more on my blog, and maybe the photos will give you some ideas for Tzeentch vehicles:
@ Chum
I play Tsons, and you'd be surprised how deadly the aspiring sorc with warptime is in melee. The thousand sons are just good wound absorbers for the sorc. And since he isn't an independent character you have to go through the 4++ tsons to get to him.
It's nastier in practice than on paper.
But yeah, I think they are a little overpriced for what they can do. But they aren't push overs by any means.
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