GW has once again gone up in prices and there is nothing us miniature gluing crack addicts can do about it. Wait maybe we can do something hell this is America were GW got it's start, okay maybe not, but can't we as a gaming community around the world send a clear message to the good folks at GW? I have a dream that one day GW will listen to us as gamers and not try to exploit us with high prices and rules that make no sense. How do you make a company that increases there price every year for no good reason listen to us the consumer? Hit them below the belt, and no Brent I'm not talking about anal even though that may make them think twice about making new eldar models for you. I'm talking about the wallet of course. If we all decided to have one week of self control and not buy anything from GW, and instead send hate mail then we may be able to make them think that we have a little power over our sickness. Hell, GW may even think twice next year when they get ready to stick it to us again without lube. We could start June 1st until the 7th and call it whaaagh the fuck did you raise your prices. This sounds like a great idea now who's with me...... Oh crap I just woke up from my dream and I'm all alone. Damn you GW you win again, but mark my words next year it's on bitches!
I don't buy anything from them since I have all the models I need.
I guess technically I am with you.
That's what I'm talking about!
Row row fight the powah!
I'm in ... I have everything I need. In fact I'm going to make a point of not only supporting GW that week ... but ... actually buying from Mantic Games and Wargames Factory ... I'm buying undead from Mantic and Armored Fist ... I mean generic future troopers with great coats and gas masks. Don't get me wrong ... I still love GW ... but enough is enough.
I love GW also, but now's the time for some tough love.
You can count me in!
I think the idea is great but I also think one week is just not enough to drive the point home to GW. I think month would be better. It sounds a bit excessive but hear me out. There are gamers out there that don't make a weekly deposit to the GW collection plate; gamers like me. I am sure there are others out there that are in the same boat for various reasons. To not have figure-holics go through purchase withdrawals and not put our dealers (shop owners) out of business, we should support another game system: Warmachine/Hoards, Malifaux, or whatever, just not a GW product. Maybe even paint or put together what you have. There are plenty of things to spend your time and hard earned money on. If we are going to send them a message we should do it, and do it right.
Oh yeah, I am in.
Pointless. For a start you all seem to be assuming that this price rise is just to get more money from the customers. This is only part true.
There are yearly price rises due to inflation; this affects EVERY business out there. It's not just that GW has to pay more for rent, bank loans and wages (each of these all going up yearly), but they also have to pay more for raw materials, transport, storage etc. To say they are somehow gouging us for money is incredibly simplistic and negelects how the workd works.
If the folk who are commenting here are wage-earning workers, then your wages will also be going up in line with the inflatiion in your country. In the end, as long as employers increase wages in line with inflation, then you will be paying exactly the same proportion of your wages for your GW fix. So, rather than all of this outrage, maybe you should be considering all of the people working for GW who will be the very first people to suffer from any boycott.
Inflation is also a very simplistic argument. If we were following GW's assessment of inflation we wouldn't be able to afford anything. Yet Video Game prices seem pretty steady over the past few years where GW has made several price increases. Plus they have experienced an increase in the cost associated with making them. Yet no big increase. Boycotts make sense but it won't work because for a boycott to be effective it must be long term and large. Most gamers will not boycott and the few that will will not affect GW's bottom line.
I don't buy nothing from G.W direct any more. Get all my stuff at discount :) . Luckily I've only got a few more bits & pieces to purchase.
A few things..
If you buy from a FLGS, they will most likely be the only ones you are hurting with a short term boycott. Unless you get mass support, GW wont even notice until they start to see re-orders drop over a few months.
Second, unless you are buying used stuff...GW is gettin their money. The only difference is how much. You buy direct they make the most profit. You buy from a FLGS or an online retailer then they most likely make the least. The farther away from GW you get the less they make. They discount to the FLGS so that the store can sell for the same prices as GW.
Finally...get over it. Every year GW makes these announcements. Every year some yahoo bitches and complains and promises something they are ill prepared to follow through with. Every company has cost, every company is out to make a profit, and from what I can tell...they all raise their prices.
I look at it this way. This is a hobby for my entertainment. If I get to the point that I truly feel the prices are too high. I will stop playing or at the least stop buying. I have done it before with hobbies or interest, I will definitely do it again. I hate the price of movie tickets. So I don't go to the theater. I might see one movie a year at most in the theater.
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