Okay, I'm taking a short break between posting my games from last weekend's tournament; have no fear, gone are the days it takes me a month or more to post a day's worth of games, a la BoLSCon 2009...
...I recall it took me forever to post all those.
But I digress. This text is strictly business - I want your honest opinion. I want you kind folks to look at my competitive 2000pt Daemons list and tell me what you think. There are 3 to consider.
Here's my primary list synopsis:
(3) Herald of Tzeentch: Chariot, Gaze, Breath, Bolt, Master of Sorcery... 130pts
(3) Fiends: 6 models, 1 champion upgrade... 190pts
(4) Plague Bearers: 5 models... 75pts
(1) Flesh Hounds: 12 models plus Karnak... 230pts
(3) Daemon Prince of Tzeentch: Breath, Bolt... 170pts
Here's a few changes I was considering:
- 1 Herald
- Breath from the 2 remaining Heralds (they would cost 100 ea)
+ Great Unclean One with Breath
This is a variation of the army I ran at last week's tournament. At that event, I ran a significantly reduced Khornedogs unit, but it still worked just fine. I wanted to increase the size of the unit to make it a threat on par with the Fiends, but that's something that can be adjusted. Point is, this army includes the Great Unclean One with Breath, a surprisingly effective model on numerous fronts. I'm leaning heavily in this direction.
Lastly, here's a very trim, trim list. It takes off options that I've grown to love, such as Breath, in favor of increased unit numbers.
(4) Herald of Tzeentch: Chariot, Gaze, Bolt, Master of Sorcery... 100pts
(3) Fiends: 6 models, 1 champion... 190pts
(1) Plague Bearers: 5 models, Icon... 100pts
(3) Plague Bearers: 5 models... 75pts
(1) Flesh Hounds: 7 models plus Karnak... 155pts
(1) Flesh Hounds: 8 models, 1 champion upgrade... 130pts
(3) Daemon Prince of Tzeentch: Bolt... 140pts
This army lacks Breath but adds two units to the army's total. That's 16 units in the army, so I could stack a drop of 8. (The other two variations are 14 total.) As an aside, this army looks much closer to the ideal Stelek created for me.
The changes happened due to play-testing, as all good changes should: I found I was getting huge mileage from Breath of Chaos... to the point I seriously question my army's effectiveness without it.
Obviously, I hope to get more play-testing in prior to BoLSCon, which is the next major event I'm attending. As a note, I still hope to attend Hard Boyz, but I've got to try and find a Sunday event, since GW in its wisdom scheduled Hard Boyz for the most popular college graduation date of the month.
Let me know what you think - Brent
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A couple of points from my personal experiences playing with Daemons (for what they're worth, lol).
Personally I'd never drop below 10 Fleshhounds in a unit as they die quite easily to torrents of fire due to their rubbish save.
1 Icon doesn't really seem worth the points and 33% of the time It'll end up in the wave you didn't get.
Everything else seems fine as unfortunately If you want shooting in a Daemon list, Bolt on a Daemon Prince is about as reliable as your going to get.
I appreciate your input GMort - that's actually something I was concerned about.
I think the first one is a bit better. It is closer to what you have been building on so there is a comfort factor there.
As much as I am not super hip on the multiple powers you carry, I can not argue with it. It works. It gives you target flexibility.
The last list looks very strong.
I'd recommend ditching the only icon you have (exactly for the reasons gmort says) and I'd be tempted to replace them with instruments for the plaguebearer squads (but that is just my personal choice).
Master of sorcery on the heralds may not be 100% required. Soul devourer might be an alternative to consider on (some of?) the heralds to make people think twice about charging the chariots ... but then again, they probably shouldn't be in combat anyway.
Otherwise, I'd not want to change much at all.
Keep as many of the halitosis templates as you can. Those things are dynamite!
Icons you can do without really, everything that needs to get close has the mobility to make a risky drop unnecessary.
I'd go for Breaths for sure. I wasn't big on them initially, but they're murder to just about anything.
I'm not sold on the GUO just because of his super slowness. Sure he's tough, but how he's ever going to be a threat?
I'd stick with the first list, it looks plenty solid.
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