
Of Note

I've been doing the ol' Blogcrawl the last few days, updating my links, taking a look around - that kind of thing.  I've also spent some time working on this blog and the companion site: the former is pretty noticeable but the latter isn't - it's mostly going to be used as a storage site for links and material for/from here.  That may be best. 

Here are some images I've been snatching.  They speak for themselves, except the second... It's from Grim's site... notice the Las/Plas conversion?  Neat, no?


  1. Master Manipulator (every store needs one)March 19, 2010 at 8:18 AM

    I like the new look of the blog. Also those cool Las/Plasma conversions would be even better if we could see them.... ;\

  2. Mmm...

    That is a problem - I didn't realize I'd grabbed a smallish pic.

    Basically, it's a side by side conversion in front of a standard plastic mount. It's easy, which I like.


  3. I know that little Barrera was going to start building some if he liked the way they performed for his space wolves.

  4. Nice pics (apart from the one we can't see...) and nice new layout. Blackground and white text FTW! :)

  5. Where are the Eldar pics from? Those are some very nice models!

  6. P.S. I just saw what my blog was under in your links. :( Damn you Stelek! lol

  7. Sorry Kirbs - couldn't help it!

    Actually, I don't know where the Eldar pic came from. The site I snatched it from and snatched it as well.

