
Eldar: A Look Now and Later

Mercer asked, quite awhile ago, for a closer look at my Eldar army.  With the best of intentions, I put this off.  I was, after all, beginning a new army - Daemons - so my time was invested in that.  Anyway, I decided to break some of them out of storage and snap some pics.

I played Altansar, so started the theme from the fluff.  I ran a Hybrid list that always included the following: Eldrad, the Avatar, two full-sized Fire Dragons in Wave Serpents, and one squad of Dark Reapers with an Exarch using a Tempest Launcher.  I usually included Harlequins, though later I experimented with different types of Councils.  For troops, I mixed things up, using Storm Guardians, Pathfinders, and Dire Avengers.  My list changed considerably over the year and a half I used Eldar competitively.  In an era where Mech is king, I understand many reader will believe the army couldn't have done well.

But it did.  I'll discuss all this over the next few articles.  I'll also discuss why I believe it wouldn't work as well now.  For now, here are some pics.


  1. That Seer Council = WIN!!!!

    Truly a phenomenal idea. :)

  2. Nice army, have you thought of doing some red wash to give the colour some depth?
