Big Whit here:

Got my new camera so now I can start adding posts with pictures of figurines and not just old 80s wrestlers. Here is my daemon prince and my greater daemon. My greater daemon is almost done, all I have to do is paint the base. I didn't do so hot on this last tournament I finished 6th and I've done a lot of changes to my list. So far I'm not all that impressed with the new list. I had to take out the greater daemon, and I can definitely tell that he is missing. I have to play3 games with this list and if my games don't get better then I'll change my list up some more. I want an in your face army and the problem is that if my land raider gets blown up in the first turn then the Berzerkers are useless, and my rhinos don't have much chance of survival. I may take out the Berzerkers and I may try to find a way to put back the greater daemon.
I tried to copy this from a PDF file and it came out screwed up. I hate being computer illiterate. The berzerkers are in the land raider.
1750 Pts - Chaos Marines Roster
HQ: Daemon Prince
1 Daemon Prince @ 155 Pts
Wings; Mark of Slaanesh; Close Combat Weapon; Fearless; Lash of Submission (x1)
HQ: Daemon Prince
1 Daemon Prince @ 155 Pts
Wings; Mark of Slaanesh; Close Combat Weapon; Fearless; Lash of Submission (x1)
Troops: Plague Marines
6 Plague Marines @ 281 Pts
1 Plague Champion @ [63] Pts
1 Rhino @ [55] Pts
Troops: Plague Marines
6 Plague Marines @ 276 Pts
1 Plague Champion @ [63] Pts
1 Rhino @ [50] Pts
Troops: Khorne Berzerkers
6 Khorne Berzerkers @ 192 Pts
1 Skull Champion @ [61] Pts
Heavy Support: 3 Obliterators @ 225 Pts
Heavy Support: 3 Obliterators @ 225 Pts
Heavy Support Land Raider @240 Pts
Total Roster Cost: 1749
I touched up your list so it's easier to read. I said this before, but I'll repeat it here: your painting is improving quickly - I really, really like these models.
I still think you'd do better with small, 5-man Plague Marines in Rhinos - give 'em two Meltas but don't bother with the Champion. The idea, imho, is to use your troops to grab objectives. Plague Marines, even if you've only got 5, are really tough to kill to the last model. I'm just trying to advocate cost savings you can use elsewhere in your list.
I worry that your Berserkers are unsupported. Are the DP's going to help them out or concentrate on shifting troops for the Oblits?
Hey Bigwhit,
To make it easier to post list from AB, try saving as a text summary instead of a pdf. Then just cut and paste from there. That is how I have been doing it and it works fairly well.
Nice Daemons! :)
2008 called and wants it's army back.
I think your list is fine, having played variations of it often enough. The real problem you have is bodies - there are not enough of them to beat Orks, Tyranids, or Guard, almost no matter what you manage to kill. And I predict that those 3 armies will be heavily represented in tournament play this year, probably outnumbering MEQ lists. That is good news for your Princes, but bad news for your low dakka low assault power force.
Consider dropping Oblits to pairs and getting a throwaway unit of termis, raptors, or chosen with meltas to toss into the enemy side of the board. You need to deal with the inevitable Medusas behind Chimeras and other such nonsense.
Brent thanks for the face lift on the post. I was trying to run one prince behind the land raider of berzerkers. I was going to deep strike the oblits.
JWOLF I think you are right about not having that many troops. I much prefer having 10 man squads to 8 at the minimum. the problem I have with running oblits in pairs is that they don't last long. If I have to drop any then it would have to be a whole squad of them. I'll go back to the drawing board and see what I can come up with.
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