So my little Daemons that couldn't swept to victory in our first tournament of this event. As we move on to 1500 we move on to regulation, 6x4 tables. Moving up to 1500, I added Gaze to the three Daemon Princes, some powers to the Herald, and two new Heralds of Slannesh on mounts, to join the Fiends. As of this writing, I've played one game at this level, against the Other Other Tony and his Tau. The Daemons performed well.
Daemons Vs Orks... For The Win
I truly don't understand blogging sometimes... when you think a post will generate comments it doesn't, and when you're sure you're just throwing something out there a ton of people respond. I don't get it! No worries though; if this was about blogging success I would have given up long ago instead of being over 115 posts now! But I digress... on to Game IV!
This was against Simon, who does some amazing graphics on his little blog... you know, when he ACTUALLY does it (yea, that's right - blog more Simon). I'm going to start stealing his stuff to make this site look better, I promise you that. Okay, Simon is a very new player, yet he shepherded his Orks to the top table, fighting for first place. He hasn't played much but he's a sharp dude, and one of those people who can make progress by just thinking about the game. So... that means he'll be a ton better than me real soon, but he's not quite there yet. It's no slight on Simon to point out he just didn't have my experience - and that makes the difference in picking fights you can win and those you can't. The above pick shows the game in progress on Turn Two, and as you can see he jumped one of my DP's with his flying-bike-things; frankly, that was throwing away the unit. The rest of his movement is fairly standard stuff. My plan was to hit his flanking Boyz with the Fiends; I was confident I could run 'em off, but I didn't want to pick a fight with the Kans - I'd leave that to the Princes.
Here's the bottom of two, where everything almost went to plan. On my right the fiends ran down the Orks they'd sent fleeing; in the middle my Flamers hit their drop and decimated the Ork unit there; but... but... but... damn it - I FAILED to roll high enough to hit the Orks on my left flank! Doh! Still, it was a good turn, everything going to plan. You'll also notice my other Princes and a unit of 'bearers dropped in behind Simon's army.
Snikrot's squad comes in, accompanied by the Warboss on bike. That's a unit that can potentially ruin my day - it certainly ruined the Fiends on the left. He's putting the surviving unit of Boyz in the terrain on the objective. He charged my Flamers with his Kanz, failing to destroy the unit only because he didn't target the IC. Given my Inv. Saves, I'm not sure that wasn't the correct decision.
Regrettably, I think this picture skips ahead too much. There was a huge scrum in the center, where my DP's charged the Kanz and were in turn charged by the Warboss, Snikrot, and Co. It ended when my Fiends counter-charged. Ultimately, my Plaguebearers quietly collected objectives, and while Simon's last unit of Boyz spread out to grab at two, I was able to sweep in and contest those. The game went another round and the Daemons finished off the army.
Battle Report,
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It turns out that really good pieces don't generate any reliable increase in comment. In fact, very high-level and solid tactics pieces are my very least commented (and most of those off-base) pieces.
Don't sweat low comments; just write something in a couple of days.
Congrats on winning with tactics; certainly not the list winning this for you.
If your opponents don't learn to avoid Daemon Alpha Strike as the league goes on, I might scream.
Ah JWolf! Ever interesting, you always give me food for thought. If you're not careful, I'll stalk you instead of Jawaballs.
You gave the Master Manipulator (every store needs one) an idea, based on a similar comment about Game II. You and Nick played the deployment phase several hundred times to practice it - find out what works. In March, he's going to have use play the first two phases twice against each opponent, once going first and once going second, so we can learn what works. I think that's a great idea - hopefully you won't have to scream. :)
In my game last week against the Other Other Tony (a newer player) I encouraged him to reserve his entire army and play the game that way. As I think over that game, I'm still pretty convinced more experienced players tend to play mistake-free games, but I digress.
Regarding my army, I'm curious what you think about it. I'll admit, I've driven my peers nuts with my unwillingness to embrace certain builds - my Eldar being the prime example, 'cause I loved the Avatar and Dark Reapers - but I tend to try to play to my strengths. Picking my battles, units synergy, tactics - that kind of thing.
I want to get better: I can accept criticism... Lord knows I've been wrong here recently (Tau!).
Okay, I'm guessing you wanted a response for your worthiest victory post so here it is. Like Lady Gaga you showed us all your poker face.
...was I bluffin' with my muffin again?
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