This is a battle between my chaos and Mike's Space Wolves. We rolled annihilation and pitched battle. Mike set up first and put his scouts in reserves along with a unit of gray hunters in a rhino. I put a unit of chaos troops with 2 meltaguns and a chaos glory icon.

Turn one, shot twin link lascannon off of razorback.

Scouts come on and kill one oblit, and come up 1'' short on the assault. My rhino came out of reserves and killed the scouts with shooting.Turn 3 I moved my berserker rhino and that's about it.
Turn 4 Mike blew up berzerker rhino with his long fangs, and put a wound on my D.P.

Turn 5 Mike kills D.P. with a gray hunter unit, and I kill two of my own berzerkers with plasma cannon from my oblit.

Turn one, shot twin link lascannon off of razorback.
Scouts come on and kill one oblit, and come up 1'' short on the assault. My rhino came out of reserves and killed the scouts with shooting.Turn 3 I moved my berserker rhino and that's about it.
Turn 4 Mike blew up berzerker rhino with his long fangs, and put a wound on my D.P.
Turn 5 Mike kills D.P. with a gray hunter unit, and I kill two of my own berzerkers with plasma cannon from my oblit.
I pull up with my chaos squad and miss with both meltaguns, and then I assault his rhino and destroy it with my berzerkers.
Mike pulls up with his other gray hunter unit and shoots the crap out of my berzerkers with them. He then shoots my squad up with his long fangs and finishes them off with an assault.Last round I kill his razorback and kill 6 gray hunters with plasmacannon from my oblits.

Mike wins by one kill point, and I hate his guts.

Next time I will cheat to win.
Mike pulls up with his other gray hunter unit and shoots the crap out of my berzerkers with them. He then shoots my squad up with his long fangs and finishes them off with an assault.Last round I kill his razorback and kill 6 gray hunters with plasmacannon from my oblits.
Mike wins by one kill point, and I hate his guts.
Next time I will cheat to win.
I'm liking that centre ruin :)
If I'm reading this correct both you and Mikey reserved a transport with troops in it. If this is correct I am curious as to why?
I've had this discussion with you and Luis already. I like to have a unit in tact to come on the board and help me out if needed. It worked out pretty good against his scouts. As to why Mike did the same thing is that he probably wanted to get rid of my oblits before I popped his transports. I know you don't see the value of reserves but I think that they are a great reactionary tool to have. Against armies that are going to stand back and shoot, it doesn't work that well except to keep a squad alive to come in and claim an objective.
I forgot did you get my email asking about paypaling you the money?
Mercer, we have spent a two days rebuilding Mike's terrain. It is definitely not finished yet, but it does look good. We really wanted terrain that was functional, and especially easy to use with giant man hands. Yesterday I chopped up pieces of sprue for rubble until I had arthritis. The picture with Mike in it is him scrubbing off the paint of his terrain.
Nice work for a first battle report, Bruce!
Looks like it was a great game.
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