Here's a set of pictures from Galaxy Games 2009, the only the 2nd time I've played a Daemons list in an actual tournament. I lost this game, just like I'd lost the first. You think that would give me confidence.
So what's my problem? At my FLGS, the Master Manipulator (every store needs one) managed to get literally everyone involved in our 'build an army' project. Everyone with a different codex, everyone building the hardest list they can. Given some of the nasty combos out available, I'm hard pressed to think of something worthy. At Hard Boyz, the Bloodcrusher lists were mostly at the bottom tables, with the exception of that dude from Dakkadakka.
Okay, so this has been a bit of a whine. I've got Evil Homer dreaming up nasty lists, so hopefully I'll fall onto something workable. I just have this feeling that the list I need isn't something that's been put together before - and isn't that bullshit arrogance, eh? To think that I'll come up with something original after the codex has been out for so long? I don't know, mate - I'll have to continue hammering away. The purpose of all this is to improve our game; I just have to follow it through.
Any ideas?
Heh, I always hate playing against the FateCrusher list. Fateweaver surrounded by Bloodcrushers seems to be one of the more competitive lists out there, certainly for demons.
ReplyDeleteThe thing is, Fateweaver can be pretty nasty, if you add in demon princes and bloodcrushers around him. Giving all those T5 a rerollable 3+/5+ is pretty impressive, and tough to deal with. If you take enough other 'good' units outside of those, it's not even that tragic of a thing if you don't get your selected wave.
I have an all-Khorne based demons list, and they aren't really that good. The army looks cool, but it lacks mobility. I'd advise that the list you build be as mobile as you can make it- nothing worse than fighting an enemy you can't get into combat with.
With the current metagame being mech, in order to be competitive, you NEED a way to pop transports. Demon princes w/ the S8 AP1 shot (something of Tzeench? I forget what it's called) can do the trick pretty nicely, and Soul Grinders have the railgun shot, though at a terrible BS. Fiends can get a good multi-charge on transports as well, hopefully opening a lot of them for your crushers to have a look inside.
I've played against a FEW really well-played demons lists in my time :P. I've always sort of wanted to make a demon army with all 4 chaos gods, but never really had the time/money. They might not be the most competitive of armies, but they can win tournaments under the right hands.
p.s. Is that demon army really well-painted or hideous? I just can't tell...
The paintjobs were not my cup of tea. The dude that did them is a really chill guy, but his experimental day-glo painting wasn't successful.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if you can make out the Keeper of Secrets, but he's this orange neon. I suspect psychological attack: my stomach was queasy.
No, it was very hideous. I think the paint glows in the dark.
ReplyDeleteI base my daemon army around just 4 things- 4 Heralds of slaanesh on chariot with musk and might, max fiends, 6 units of 5 plaguebearers, and 36 flesh hounds with karanak. (credit to stelek for the idea) Its really fast, and puts out an absolutely obnoxious amount of high strength and initiative attacks. So much so that I am able to de-mech my opponent (land raider spam gives me trouble, but that just comes with playing daemons), and then rip the chewy stuff inside to bits. Just thought I'd throw the idea out there as something completley different from the fatecrusher lists, and still be one of the most competitive lists that the book can put out. Not to mention 4 heralds, 18 fiends, and 36 hounds look sick on the table...