
A Daemon Idea from Tyler

Tyler said...

I base my daemon army around just 4 things- 4 Heralds of slaanesh on chariot with musk and might, max fiends, 6 units of 5 plaguebearers, and 36 flesh hounds with karanak. (credit to stelek for the idea) Its really fast, and puts out an absolutely obnoxious amount of high strength and initiative attacks. So much so that I am able to de-mech my opponent (land raider spam gives me trouble, but that just comes with playing daemons), and then rip the chewy stuff inside to bits. Just thought I'd throw the idea out there as something completley different from the fatecrusher lists, and still be one of the most competitive lists that the book can put out. Not to mention 4 heralds, 18 fiends, and 36 hounds look sick on the table...

Ever have a lightbulb go off in your head? I love this idea; it obviously works. More important, perhaps - it's got me excited about the army. Stelek is a great idea-man; fair play to Tyler for giving him credit for this idea, though he made the list so it's his now! I don't always agree with Stelek's ideas, but given that he has a better track record than I, plus I'm trying to learn critical thinking in army composition, I've learned to try and remain open and think through the ideas before comment. I'm going to do that with this idea, but on merit it looks awesome.

We have a guy like Stelek at our local store, Shannon... er, Evil Homer - sorry, forgot the internet is for nicknames. He's always researching and developing new list combos. I've found he doesn't he doesn't like it when I challenge his ideas. I tend toward balance while he loves the redundancy of multiple similar units. He accuses me of not listening. He's probably right, though I maintain optimization comes through synergy. Still and again, I'm the one who's trying to learn a new way here.


More later (they heard, despairingly).


  1. Who heard?
    Another great thing is that its a great army if you're on a budget.. I paid about 180 bucks for the whole thing. I used dark elf cold ones for fiends, tomb king chariots pulled by fiends for the heralds on chariot, chaos hounds for the flesh hounds, and zombie conversions for the plaguebearers.

    That list above is 2k btw. I think princes, more hounds, and/or more plaguebearers are all good options to get the list to 2500.

  2. I'm a fan of different units rather than multiples of the same, so at least you have one person in agreement with synergy over duplication. Heck, maybe I'll write about that myself...

    Looks like a fun list, and most of what you have there would be great if you wanted to play itfor square bases as well, so you've got that going for you.

  3. @ Brent: I don't mind when you challenge my ideas I just want you to be able to be able to defend your opinion just as you make me defend mine.

    @ Tyler: Interesting Stuff. Fast stuff. I saw Stelek advocating for Khorn dogs in some builds and I can't argue the choice in some respects.

    Fiends go after tanks first I imagine? What are you getting out of the heralds of Slaanesh though besides some speed? I would almost think that since you are relying on the Fiends and Dogs to kill armor (str 4-5 rending vs rear and numbers) your would be better off using Khorn heralds to kill the squishy inards.

    How does this list hold up against flamer spam? Neither the fiends of the hounds are especially resilient and a couple of flamers later your in kinda bad shape I would think, especially from units that carry multiple flame templates.

  4. Everything except the plaguebearers go after transports, and tanks that can torrent me down. Flamers usually aren't an issue because the fastest thing that has a flamer are speeders, and they can only move 12 and fire. Almost the whole army has a "threat bubble" of 19-24". But dominions are a pain, I admit. But the whole army is unfortunately a glass hammer. I have to take real advantage of cover if I want to get somewhere that will take longer than a turn. Hit and run is another thing I must take advantage of, and I must always try to make sure I don't run over a unit in one round of combat, so I get sHot next turn. The heralds are another fast (unlike the khorne heralds) that can help damage tanks (again, like khorne can't) obviously the biggest issue daemons have is with mechanized, and this list has as much as possible to minimise that weakness. Anything on foot can be torrented down by the absurd amount of attack in CC this army has. Super units obviously need to be charged by multiple of my units to take them out in minimum rounds of combat needed (2), another reason why the speed is so necessary. Daemons are forced to be on foot, you must make them as fast possible to keep up with your opponent, oherwise uoull never get in combat (which is the only thing the list can do)
