
Galaxy Games 2009 North Texas

Well, so much for promises. I swore to myself I wouldn't miss two days in a row on this blog - so what happens the very first weekend? Ah well; unrealistic expectations and all that.

Saturday was the event and, despite some setbacks, was a pretty big success. The 40K tournament wasn't as large as we (collective we, as in FLGS folks) would have liked, but the card gamers came out in style and saved the day, making next year a real possibility. The idea, you see, was an annual, regional gaming event, starting small and building on that.

The date was cemented before the Hard Boyz dates were determined and posted, so it wasn't taken into account; the tournament organizer and Chief Master Manipulator In Charge (every store needs one) thinks that hurt our numbers. I agree. People just weren't willing to travel two weeks in a row.

That said, we had 14 painted armies throwing down on tables 25% covered with great terrain. GW came through with prize support, so the entry fees went to the hall Larry (the owner) rented, covering costs as it were.

Yea, yea - I got pictures. I'm also going to put together battle reports. I had four really fun games, with 3 wins to 1 stomping. I was happy with my overall performance, coming in 2nd overall while racking up the most kill points over 4 games, but I did have something of a personal ephiphany following the stomping I took. Don't misunderstand! This is nothing on Matt, the dude that kicked me another hole to own: he won the day, and it was well deserved.

Remember the regret I expressed in my last post? Well, it all came to pass. I hampered myself with an inferior list and I knew it. I have only myself to blame for feeling stupid. But more on that another time.

You're here for the pictures... no, it's okay, you don't need to lie. There, there. Put your head on my shoulder; ignore the groping hand...


What, too much?

This was my personal favorite. Ironically, it took him 10 minutes to paint.
A long view of half the tables.
The other half.
This was my 'We Need Trees, Dammit" table, which was a success...
Dale busted up a Landraider and Landspeeder to build this... Aaagh!
And of course, the shirt says it all...

I'll post more over the coming days. Armies, in game shots, that kinda thing.

Take care - Brent

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