
WarGames Con, Day1

So I'm here in Austin, ready to take on the world... Or however many gamers show up.

Here's my super-hard, super-tough tournament list...

My new dice tin is meant here as irony.


  1. Looking good Brent! Props for playing necrons without mass flyers, that's a gold star in my book. Good luck and give us updates as you can.

  2. Thanks.

    Yeah, my thoughts on tournaments have changed a bit lately. I'm still capable of putting together a tournament-style, rough list, but instead I find myself going for the more understated, balanced approach.

    I usually do well, since I have the experience to play the scenario. It's not that I'm less interested in winning tournament games - far from it - but I'm going for the experience more than to push hard to win an event.

    Anyway, updates will follow!

  3. Ken?

    Did your comment disappear? It's early on Saturday, so maybe I'm just confused!

    Yeah, it's very close to the army I took to Feast. I'm using the Destroyer Lord instead of the Storm Lord, so the units have a bit more bulk. I went back to last years army since the Khorne list wasn't painted.

    I blame work!

  4. Hah! I knew those plaguebearers I painted for Whiteskull would carry WC to victory!

  5. Had a great game with you Brent. You were a great sport, and it was great to meet you. - The Iyanden Eldar Player.
