
Space Marine Flyers...

...don't look as bad as people are saying.  I didn't really like the Storm Raven, either, until I saw the actual kit in person.  I suspect it'll be the same with the Storm Talon.



I don't really have anything more to say on the subject; just thought I'd cash in on the ridiculous page-views any blog with 'flyers' in it will have this week.

To make up for tricking you, here's a pic I snapped at the recent Dallas ComicCon, when me and the and the OffTopical guys (iTunes keyword OffTopical or OffTopical Podcast - we're taking off!) shed our normal stealth geek for full-on nerd for a Saturday.  As usual, the cosplay crowd was out in force...

...with this pair being my personal favorite.  Cute, age-appropriate costumes well-executed.

I'm not going to torture you with all the Wonder Women, only one of whom met the above criteria.



  1. Am I the only one who likes the look of the SM flyers and think it fits the bulky look of the marine range... wait a minute, you tricked me. Well played.

    1. I do as well sir I think the bulky nature fits the space marines whole heartedlly.

      Plus it look like an awesome VTOL support vehicle, a lot like what I wish a land speeder would look like.

  2. I actually really like this kit. As a career military man it reminds me strongly of rotary wing air support. I'm not currently playing codex marines, but I still plan on getting one and modelling it with an aggressive forward lean, and maybe some scouts hanging from the side.

  3. We thought the budget silver Surfer was the best in show but Blue Babe and Boobster Gold were defiantly runner ups.


  4. I actually really like this kit. As a career military man it reminds me strongly of rotary wing air support. I'm not currently playing codex marines, but I still plan on getting one and modelling it with an aggressive forward lean, and maybe some scouts hanging from the side

  5. I still plan on getting one and modelling it with an aggressive forward lean, and maybe some scouts hanging from the side.
