
400 Followers! Almost!

(Would someone just take pity and click the darn button to the right? You don't even have to read this blog! I'm just sick of waiting for '400' to roll over.)

 (Until then, here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure. These are the objective markers from last year's tournament season. I'm currently working on this year's crop.)

(Not sure why I'm whispering.)

(Oh, yeah - if you like Skyrim, you might enjoy Episode 27 of my podcast, OffTopical. You can find it on ITunes, Stitcher, Zune, Bluberry, and most of the other major pod services...)

(...but OffTopical is an explicit podcast, so if you're offended by potty words, Mr. Roger's Neighborhood may be more appropriate.)

(Just sayin'.)


  1. I got ya. 400th follower! (don't know why I wasn't already, read all your stuff, haha)

  2. Same. I already thought I had clicked the little join button, long ago.

  3. Woot!

    401! All I had to do was beg...

  4. Congrats, Brent! I can only hope my own blog reaches such heights someday.

    Krisken of Scratch Built 40k

  5. And I'm holding a giveaway for 150 followers...I feel inadequate haha

  6. Lol, tell me about it, Warflake! I gave away a scratch built titan for 60!
