
Afternoon Quickie: Necrons and the Movement Phase

Ah, Necrons!  I have to admit, these silver automatons have captured my imagination.  I've rarely been this excited about a new Codex.

I'm sort-kinda-maybe working on them a bit.  I was making progress on the Spyders but had to put them aside for the commission work for the Client Pimp in Question.  Since there is faux money not changing hands, I'm duty bound to finish that stuff first.

I'm done with two characters and finishing up the first squad of ten Terminators.  The latter are going quickly, thankfully enough.

Start of Turn Two.

So here's the heart of the post, and honestly its the type of thing everyone who will use a Monolith will figure out quick, so I might as well mention it while it's still new.

'Porting 'Crons through is done at the start of the movement phase.  I define that as before anything moves, the unit will disembark from the Monolith.

After movement in Turn Two.

It's simple enough - watch the door!  In Turn One, I disembarked the Overlord and his unit... and the door, naturally enough, was pointed the way I wanted to move.

Obviously enough, I blocked off the Monolith's full movement in Turn One and part of it in Turn Two.  Considering the Particle Whip is 24-inches, that cost me shooting in two phases!

Afternoon Quickie:  Think a turn ahead with the Monolith; the door should be pointed where you want your troops in the turn prior.  Usually, that's anywhere but straight ahead!


  1. That is why 90% of the time I move backwards with my monolith :).

  2. I like the Scarabs on the Spyders back, think I might nick that idea thanks

  3. Brent

    I agree with your interpretation about the 'start of the movement pahse' thing.

    But it gets worse. Don't have the codex to hand, but doesn't it say that units that port in this way count as disembarking from a vehicle moving at cruising speed? Which means, after you port the dudes, dudes can't go no further. Plastic dudes can't assault either.

    I say this cos it looks like you didn't do this in your pics. Looks like you ported them, then moved them out the way, then moved the Lith.

    ...tell me I'm wrong internet.

  4. What did you use to weather the monolith. Looking for ideas and yours looks the best by far!!
