
Let's Play: What Now, What Next?!

'What Now, What Next?!' is when everyone's favorite Empty Digital Headache breaks out his Cybershot and drops dime on his latest unnecessary painting project, thus avoiding commitment and the real work of putting Hormabugs together.

Yuppers!  Thanks to whomever that was for... the intro..?  Vaguely familiar profile, that.  And the green - a hideous, nightmarish green!  Where have I seen it, green so evil..?


It'll come to me, I'm sure.  Moving on, here's what I've been on to lately:

What's he pointing at you?

 Huh, I'm pretty sure there's a button around here you can click for the rest of the article...

Oh, a gun, naturally enough!

I dig on painting metals, which is something I hear is going out of fashion.  Here's a model - sans hand - for my eventual Inquisitorial Henchmen build.

Puritan, Radical.  Radical, Puritan.  Do they fight to the death now or what?

Another model I'm working on... crazy-odd angle, no?


...don't take this to mean I haven't been working on Bugs again!  In fact, Strictly Average has something to say about Xenos.


Okay, back to bugs.  You got *SELF-EDIT* to do.

Okay, back to bugs!  I've got... stuff... to do!


  1. Damn you man, I was getting weird looks for tapping my phone like a maniac trying to find that button...
    I hear ya on the metals dude, I'm a big fan myself, never jumped on the NMM bandwagon, it very rarely looks any good.
    Sweet work on these guys too, but yeah, bring on the bugs! :)

    Cap'n Stoogey.
