
Brotherhood Update: Bulking Out the Army's Ranks

So it's very, very tempting to cast an eye toward the Necrons, but with a rather largish sum of money allotted for a dream army I'm purchasing from Evil Homer, my Nemesis, I need to be realistic.

Besides, wargaming has reached a scale these days that makes it impossible to collect everything - at least, not at my level of purchasing power!  I have more than enough stuff already to keep me content modeling and painting for years to come, so I shan't be purchasing every army that flashes a leg at me.

So to speak.

Also, and importantly, I'm not done with my Brotherhood yet!  I can't tell you the amount of satisfaction I get from putting together and painting these models... so there you go!

Here's the update:

I've shown this one before - they were sprayed metal only, so I had to finish the spray paint layers.  The next step is the wash layers.

Above is my Brotherhood Warlord Shrike, along with some conscripts to bulk out my two Brotherhood Hunters squad.

Above are the Brotherhood models in line to be painted.

I have to build more bases - including for the first Hunters squad pictured, the ones with the swords - those bases are just temporary.

This dude will be carrying the squad's banner.

1 comment:

  1. Yep I had the same thought process about Necrons but concerning my Eldar the last couple of weeks.
