
Brotherhood Cavalry (plus: Go To Bed, Brent!)

This post is a bit of nothing, really.

Finally got around to putting the Heavy Horse on the proper-sized bases.  

Here was my original test model.  I've raised the horse some, on most of the models.

I've never mastered the use of, nor the desire to use, magnets.  Here, I just won't glue the rider on.  When my conversions are all finished, I'll have the ability to mix and match a few riders here and there depending on the build.

This base coat isn't about the horse, but rather about the base.  The layers of spray match the current basing scheme of the army.  After the horses are painted, I'll sand and flock, and otherwise finish, the base.
(And hopefully that'll work!)

I have to say, I've been play-testing these (Thunderwolf Horse Cav) and I'm not sold.  Sure, I can see the appeal, but it's one of those options that dictate the choices in the rest of the army.  I think 'best' might be two squads of two, no options, or perhaps one squad of three with a Storm Shield.

Not sure - the major issue is obviously the Leadership - who wants to saddle yourself with Battle Leader or Lord just to babysit?  See what I mean about dictating the rest of the army?

Mmm... maybe even two or three squads of one, Plain-Jane?  Regardless, I can't help but remember Thunderwolf Cav just never worried me that much when I played it.  Too much, "Oh, look at me charge across the table straight at you!"

Scary.  "Here, have a unit."  Same strategy as Blood Crushers, methinks.

I'm tired.  This is me falling asleep at the keyboard, randomly typing.

The Hof from OKC had a brutal All-Thunder-Pups, All-The-Time army he brought down several months back, but ironically - given what I just wrote - it ran Round One into a Fate-Crusher build.  Talk about your hard counters...

Fate-Crusher... have I ragged on that build lately?



Oh, right.  Sleep.



  1. TWC have a use - and that is a countercharge unit and as a bullet magnet.

    I am tossing up squads as: PF/SS, 2 with 1 PF, 2 with 1 meltabomb.
    Probably 3 of to go with my Loganwing.

  2. The Brotherhood provided the city with a cavalry detachment. The Blackhead cavalrymen patrolled the city wall and six of them made rounds.
