
66 Points... Round 1 Down, 2 to Go

I won first place in my local 'Ard Boyz Regionals.

Oh yea, the Mighty Mighty Carlos did some table art at lunch.  That was important, too.

I played Blood Angels, Salamanders, and Blood Angels.  I earned a Massacre in each game, but bonus points were relatively low.  Still, 66 ain't bad.

Daemons for the win!

From Game 2

I won store credit... except the Card Pimp in Question actually spent it.  He'd ordered 3 boxes of Terminators - and didn't actually have the money on hand to pay for it.  Layoffs suck, but he's resilient.  Still, it's bad form to order something and not pay for it, so he did some wheeling and dealing.

He got my store credit, then paid for White Shield Mike's portion; that's 1st, 2nd, and he was 3rd.  That almost got him there, so there was some out of pocket.

We're dickering for what he owes me in return; since he got to use my 20% store credit discount, that increases the value of my winnings by the same, right?  That'd be...

(Winnings+20%) = (I Know What You Paid For Those Rhinos, Tye!)

EDIT: This last section was about me poking fun at the Card Pimp In Question, but for the record I like how he meets his obligations.  He'd ordered some product and made sure to pick it up, despite a temporary cash gap.

I admire that kind of character.  

Currently he and I are working out a trade, but it's all good - there wasn't a doubt in my mind we'd work something out.  Besides, since Evil Homer left, somebody had to step in and keep the miniature economy rolling!


  1. Congrats! Always awesome to see a good player win a tourney, especially with an internet-defined "sub-par" list.

  2. Congrats Brent ! Way to knock OT hte home runs bro.


  3. Nice job with the Daemons, you seem to have an excellent handle on that army. I placed 3rd at our FLGS in Pasadena with my SW, I will be posting a run down of my day on C&C by tomorrow night if you want to check it out Brent.

  4. Conga-rats! Well played, sir. Usually if you can pop the tanks the rest of the Blood Angels should fall pretty quick to Daemons.

    @tzeentchling- He played Cav spam... how is that considered sub-par for Daemons? I was always under the impression that it is considered daemon's best list.

  5. Way to go, Brent!
    I'll even forgive you for being a mac user.
    (oh....macbook PRO...excuse meeeeee...)

    There needs to be an emoticon for hugs 'n' gropings.....
    We need to work on that....

  6. Congrats man. And I am a Mac User too so you can hate me more now SinSynn.

    I tied for 2nd/3rd with Nick getting first.

    Play Mech Guard first round
    250 foot guard
    and finally CSM.

    I was clawing my way up with MInor and a Major victory and finally a Massacre. Lord it was a tough day for me beyond the last game - which I felt bad because my Grey Knights were designed to be mean to CSM.

  7. I like the name White Shield Mike over Evil Mike. Sounds funnier, think I'll switch! Congratz on the the win again Brent. Hope to see you at the semi's!

  8. Great job. Just got introduced to your blog and I am quite impressed!

    On a side note, how did you make your chariots of tzeentch and what models are your fiends...debated using cold ones myself.

  9. Truly, was there ever any doubt. Well done mate.

  10. Thanks folks!

    KI: I'm glad you dig it, man - stick around!

    WSM: I already had an 'Evil' - as in Evil Homer. Besides, White Shield Mike is funnier. I'm glad you like it - way to own it!

    Synn: Heh. Let's get to work on that...

  11. Odd my previous post didn't take. @Krisken - it's not that Brent's Daemons list is sub par for Daemons, it's that Daemons are sub par compared to the BA/SW/IG/Salamanders lists, at least according to the internetz.

  12. Congrats sir! Will you be swinging up to da boyz again this year?

  13. Jawa, you slob. Unblock me so i can make fun of your ego again. Brent I poke at in fun...but jawa you really do suck.

  14. 66 points, wow! That is the highest total I have heard of this year. You might be the top seat in the country. Well done1 I am moving on with a measly 50 points with 2 minor victories and a massacre.

  15. I'm glad to hear you win, that's wussup!
