
I Forgot the Recipe!

The discerning reader... scratch that.

You may have noticed... scratch that, too.

It's time for me to admit to you, the audience... scratch that.  Crap.

Okay, let's try one more time.


(There, I said it.  Darn it all.)

Here's the deal, I haven't published new painting pics for the Brotherhood 'cause there hasn't been any.  I've spent the last two months trying to remember the recipe.

Remember that Top Tips where I said, "Oh, ye foolish infant, ye must needs write thine recipes upon the tool'd leather of sheep or mutant."

Yea, didn't do that.

Remember those two skull-headed dudes I did not too long ago?

A test.

Them and about ten more.  Then it occurred to me, just the other day...

Test Model # 'Freakin' Finally'

"Where's the step where I add the gold?"


Regardless, I finally worked out the steps.  The model you see here is the result.  I breathed a sigh of relief.

Less than three weeks 'till Wargames Con.


PS:  I wrote down the recipe.


  1. I write them down then forget where I wrote them... maybe I need to write a note reminding me where I wrote the note reminding what the recipe is?

  2. I'm all too familiar with that frustration. I'm glad you figured the recipe out, cause it's a good one and a cool scheme

  3. Undercoat, Drybrush, Wash.....See I never forget my recipe ;-)

    Of course your models are a lot prettier than mine...

  4. I keep a small spiral notebook in my paint case where I write these things down. I also write the technique and thinning ratio I used to apply a given color.

    An entry might read:
    Silver Power Armor
    Airbursh Boltgun metal 1:2
    Wash Badab Black
    Wetbrush Boltgun Metal 1:1
    Wetbrush Chainmail 1:1

  5. Oh I wouldn't necessarily try that recipe...

  6. Heh, it's true, I forget my stuff all the time. Generally though, it's not TOO complex, and I figure it out quick enough. Should be fun to see what kind of awesomeness you accomplish at BoLSCON while I flounder around with my yet-untested DEldar. :-p

  7. Very nice looking. You might have a few too many paints, if the recipe is that complicated.

  8. Blog about it when you are done painting and include the recipe. That way there is no note to misplace, and it's documented. As a bonus we get to see it too:)

  9. I need to remember the recipe for my Beastmens flesh tones. I've forgotten it 3 times now but I too think I'll do the obvious and write it down...

  10. My tyranids are easy, Bleach bone, Ogryn wash, ogryn wash, Black carapace, done.
