
Brotherhood Update: Troops on the Table

Despite a busy weekend, I managed to fit in a ton of time on the Brotherhood.  Today's pictures are the squad I put together on Friday... before a rare squabble with my lovely and long-suffering wife led to missing my regular game night.

That's on me.  I stormed off and lay down for a bit, just to cool off...

...before promptly falling asleep for 15 hours, thus instantly losing the fight by proving Jenn right.

I've been pushing myself too hard and needed time to recharge.  Which I managed a lot of this weekend, thankfully.  These pictures show one of my squad of troops; by the time this posts on Monday, I'll have finished another squad and all three Heavy squads.

Since I'm doing fancy-shmancy basing, I've separated the models from the bases, each to paint separately.  I'm having fun putting these models together - as much as I can, considering I HATE putting Space Marines together.

The Brotherhood holds my interest, given every squad has a distinctive look.  I've published pictures of some of the 'characters' scattered throughout the units, or rather the Brotherhood themselves among the Warbands, but never units themselves.  The idea is each of the Warbands that make up the army has a distinctive look, which will hopefully still tie together as an army through the use of the color scheme and some army-wide elements.

In a lot of ways, its the opposite of a Crusade army, another concept army I've been attracted to but luckily had the good sense never to build.

Why is it the opposite?

Well, let me tell you...


  1. I'm really digging the poses on those dudes man. Looking forward to seeing these guys painted up.

  2. I like the under the arm weapons. I've also decided to combine my CSM under a larger umbrella; look forward to more Brotherhood!

  3. I don't know if I like the underslung weapons. It is an interesting/certainly a different look but they look...somehow unfinished/unpolished/incomplete and I'm not sure how I would fix it.

    Assault weapon arms with the gun glued on?

  4. @Evil Homer

    I'm right there with you on the under arm bolters. There are 3 things about them that bother me, and while each is small, they add up to make the whole...lackluster.

    1. They're too short. Boxy to the point of feeling almost square. They're nowhere near square, but the length of the sickle mag makes the 'zone' that they occupy seem bigger vertically.

    2. The trigger assembly is still on the model, right behind the mag. It lies on the same plane as the end of the gun, compounding the above boxy-ness. The little slope-y bit has also been cut off, again compounding the boxy-ness.

    3. There's nothing 'connecting' the body of the gun to the arm. he's got the grip, and that's it. Granted, there could be bolts that we can't see, but it's a visual medium. We need to see something to clue us in on that connection, some sort of anchor so we can see the gun being held in place.

    The melta-gun is spot on, btw. It's what clued me in that the triggers were bothering me, since its trigger is gone.

    So, I'd reccomend first, cut off the bolter triggers.

    Next, look at the magazine. I'd consider shortening it, or maybe moving it farther back on the bolter. If I were feeling particularly ambitious, I'd remove it, and replace it with a feed to the backpack, like old metal Grey Knights.

    Last, I'd do something to anchor the bolters. Likely some sort of plasticard strips, bolting it onto the forearm.

    PS-Captcha of the day: homan

  5. The poses and underslungs are awsome in my opinion, they're different from other armies. I can't wait to see them painted. Best of luck!

    Tony Malave
