
Turkey Burgers and Grey Gray Nights

This is what's called a blurb.

Yes, I wasn't kidding about the turkey burger.  Fat free cheese and mayo, wheat bread, grilled pineapple, teriyaki sauce, and TURKEY. 

Mmm... not sure why you'd care... but there you go.

Anyway, the Mighty Mighty Carlos had the line of the night:  "If these were Grey Knights you'd be in soooo much trouble right now."

(Battle Report later.)


  1. For the record, I had turkey burger with grilled pineapple for dinner last night as well. However I had grilled onion and grilled peppers on mine as well; so I win.

  2. that looks and sounds incredible...

  3. Turkey burger: healthy.

    Being surrounded by daemons: unhealthy.

  4. My wife hands me any burger that's got ANYTHING 'fat free' on it, or ain't raw, bleeding, made of beef and still begging for mercy, and I'll friggin' donkey punch her in the uterus.....
