
A Picture is Worth How Many Words?

I just finished my Bell article, and on a good week that takes the evening to write.  I was too beat for much more.

Of this I have no doubt: Carlos will be back.  He's learning a new army, and baby steps can be rough.  He'll stick it out.  I hope I do the same - I've finally decided my new build.  More on that later.

The Angels couldn't get a beachhead... and it didn't help the Terminators kept putting off coming in!

Here they come... then they showed up and were like, "What?"  He mishapped away from the corner, so I placed him smack in the middle!  Poor Carlos really had nothing go his way this game.
Regardless, the dude's a gamer!  He said, "You'd be in soooo much trouble if these were Grey Knights!"  I lined up then shot Breath plus Bolt four times.  Even Storm Shield can only roll so many 3's!
Then I assaulted...
...and even after the combined effort of my entire army, one lone Terminator stood unfazed.
But I killed him anyway and overran the world - yea, Daemons!
What's that?  Grey Knights what?

1 comment:

  1. Good battle Report. I need to work on keeping my blog up-to-date.
