
House of Paincakes Competition

So you know, my Empty Digital Headache peeks into the House of Paincakes on a daily basis - and not just to check out the specials!  (Ever notice the motto changes every time you reload the page?  That's special!  I think they stole the idea from my scrolling marquee, but that's just me - I'm bitter and green!)

The House of Paincakes is a super-cool and mega-awesome blog, as evidenced by its place in my Big Boys Blog Roll, but honestly it's primarily a place for blogs to congregate and rub shoulders.  At the HoP foul language has the Parental Stamp of Approval, so sign up already you consenting adults out there.

So why am I whoring my not inconsiderable services passing along this digital reach around?  Because Lauby and Dethtron, the mad geniuses behind the House of Paincakes, are putting on a competition - and YOU could win!

Details can be found HERE.  <--------  No, there!

Bottom line?  The HoP is big enough to support FOUR blog rolls... so what's going to replace Original and Extra Crispy?

You decide!

Brent (Not Brent)

PS:  I want to thank hyv3mynd  for his response to my begging and pleading request for help.  I've asked permission to repost the article here but I can't help but drop a link for those who just can't wait.

Check it OUT.  <--------  No, there!   His blog is in its new home in my Read Up to Keep Up Blog Roll, so visit often!


  1. One note: The link to get details leads to blogger, not the post on HoP.

    Capcha: cation

  2. Got it fixed man - thanks for the catch!
