
Menoth Vs Legion (And... the New Face of Evil?)

I'm playing Sam-I-Am in a game of Warmachine/Hordes.  But, before we begin and without further ado...

Yes, he's making a face.  Evil is unapologetic.

is this the new face of evil?  Little Barrera, the Mighty Kibitzer.  He may well be!

Menoth Vs The Legion

I'm playing Amon Ad-Raza, Menoth's Jack'Caster.  I was also trying out my new model, the Covenant of Menoth.

In hindsight, I may have been better off with a Revenger instead of the Repenter and the Covenant, but who cares?  It's practice.

I used Amon's spell Mobility to hurl the 'Jacks forward.

I don't know all the names... how's this: the big flying thing used Slipstream to launch the big puppy into my Repenter.

His rolls suck pretty bad, and my 'Jack takes a few points of damage.
 I cast Mobility again; my Crusader turns and slams into the big puppy!  It hits the wall and collapses.

Since it's not on its feet, my Repenter moves forward unmolested and unleashes its flamethrower on three models, setting two of them on fire... but not the enemy Warlock.
 Sam-I-Am pokes his puppy onto its feet; its Animus allows it to move unmolested through my ranks.  It attacks the Covenant.  The Covenant can only take 1 point of damage per strike, maximum, so the damage is minimal.

The rest of his army attacks my Repenter, and though it has a few boxes left, both arms are torn off and its effectiveness is at an end.
 This is the key turn.  I strongly consider using Amon's Feat this turn but decide to wait one more round.  I use Mobility and Synergy to launch several effective assaults.  The Crusader, enhanced by the Choir and Synergy (2 strikes from the Revenger), hits the big flying thing with +4 then +5 damage.

That was the high point of my game, for sure.

Amon and the Revenger are holding the left flank nicely...

...as you can see here.

Amon uses Thresher to hit both the little, rabid attack thingie and the big dude in the middle.  The Revenger repulses another threat.

The key here is the Covenant: he's nice and close, so Lawgiver's Creed will work in the next turn, denying the Warlock his ability to cast spells.  More important, I thought my models were spread out enough so Sam-I-Am's big dog critter in the backfield wouldn't be able to get to Amon on an assassination run.
Turns out, I was wrong!  That's exactly what he did.

The picture to the right demonstrates where the Covenant should have been placed - as it was, he was too far forward and the big dog critter slipped between the Choir and the Covenant models and did away with Amon.

It was a close thing though; if he hadn't, Amon would have had a field day in the next turn!


Have I mentioned how much I'm loving Warmachine?

On another note, I got real sick at the store last night.  I couldn't figure out what was wrong - my muscles ached, and I was flushed and dizzy.  It was awful.  I finally drove home and bugged the crap out of my wife with all my complaining.

After a shot or two of medicine, I got to sleep and woke up feeling fine.

I mention it because I know the guys were worried.  I appreciate their concern, and it embarrasses me to admit it, but I think it was my body fighting off the flu.

Or rather, a dead flu.  I had a flu vaccine not too long ago for work, and while I've never had side effects I know it can happen.  It was first-rate awful, but frankly I'd rather feel bad for one evening than get the flu for a week or more!

Thanks guys - sorry to worry you over nothing.


  1. Flying thing - looks like an Angelius (maybe seraph - did it have an Armor Pierce attack or the ability to move with its animus?). Doggy thing = Raek. Definitely worth it to kill them first. Little rabid attack thingy - Shredder. You know the name of the caster he was using?

    Also, it looks like you learned one of the principal lessons of warmachine - always pop your feat the turn before you think you need it!

  2. Flu vaccine? I hear dat. Had mine back in October and the side-effects ruined two days of my half term. I wouldn't mind if I hadn't developed a throat infection and lost my voice anyway...

    Those little errors of placement are potentially huge, aren't they? Lost me a game the other night thanks to not keeping enough Revenants trailed back to limit an Ironclad's trample options.

  3. OK, looks like Vayl, a Seraph, a Raek, two Shredders, and a minimum unit of Warmongers (which are deadly against infantry, though you didn't really have any). Vayl's feat probably would have let the Raek get in better position anyway - she's quite tricky. If you hadn't left yourself open to assassination by it I think you would have won the game.

  4. Thanks for the battle report. I played a very similar game recently and was looking for a way to save my Menothian arse against Legion... unfortunately I don't think I've learned how to do that here.

    In future, I'd suggest planning the battle report a bit better. The names of your opponent's units/models and abilities really helps, and I had a lot of trouble identifying "who was doing what" from the pictures. Beautifully painted models & decent terrain, but some more attention to detail could make these battle reports awesome.

    Keep up the good work.
