
Tips And Tricks: Extra Material

I wrote an article on Bell of Lost Souls today, collecting the Top Tips I've written in 2010... for a followup, here's a few more tips and tricks.

Pictures, Blogger, and Memory

I've been held up this past week by lack of storage space, since I've used up the gig Blogger gives you free of charge.  A gig is a bunch of pics but Strictly Average has always been a media-heavy blog.

There's a tip for you budding Bloggers out there: give your audience something to look at!  As time has gone on, I've moved from free-hand Cybershot pictures to using a light studio setup.

I've struggled over what to do.  After all, if I delete pictures from the Picasso web albums, where all Blogger pictures are stored, it affects old posts.  If I'm being honest, nobody looks over those old posts - meaning it isn't an immediate problem.  Still, I intend to archive the better stuff at some point in the future  and I don't want to make it harder on myself when the time comes.

Rob wrote a great post on the subject over on Warhammer 39999.  Ultimately, I ended up spending the 5 bucks to get 20 more gigs.  Blogging is a big part of my hobby these days, so it's worth it.

Store Your Toys!

Little Barerra, a buddy of mine in the local area, has a habit which drives me freakin' bonkers - he's absolutely gifted, a true artist.  He just doesn't take care of his toys.

He's got the GW cases, but he'll recycle them when he's working on a new army, throwing all the minis he's painted in a box.  Inevitably they get banged up, so he'll strip them and repaint them.  Lather, rinse repeat.

Bottom line is properly store your stuff.  You guys will spend hundreds on models but begrudge fifty on a case - admit it!  Get the case.

Shiner Bock is the Best Beer

Frequent events where adult beverages are sold.  Everybody will be happier for it.

Yea, two beers are better than one!  (It was for my Indentured Servant.)

Do I have to say it?  Don't drink and drive.  Don't over drink.  I work in mental health; trust me, you don't want to be that person.

Some Models Are Cooler Than Others

(He told me not to write about him or he'd gut me...)

Dice Cups Aren't Created Equal

An Empty Digital Headache makes for a pretty awesome gaming aid.

Stalking Jawaballs Makes for Good Inspiration

This article is getting stranger and stranger.  I probably shouldn't write posts after midnight.

I think we've done enough damage here.  I'm off to bed now...


  1. Dude that Brook Samson mini is Frekin awesome. I haven't seen those pics before. Love that show.

  2. Did you write the article about daboyz game 3? I think I missed it.

  3. jdw: Nope - not yet.

    I was held up because I couldn't upload the pictures; it was extremely frustrating.

    It's scheduled for next Tuesday on Bell though.

  4. Agreed about Shiner Bock! Wish they had it more places out of Texas.

  5. Awesome.

    Can you post any details about your light studio setup?

  6. http://strictlyaverage.blogspot.com/2010/07/digital-concepts-light-studio-must-have.html

    jdw: There you go!

  7. What on earth is that mullet-coated thing doing on your blog? Is there a shameful post lurking somewhere in your archives that I need to read?

    Thanks for the link, and for the record, I think you made the right decision. 20GB for $5 is a steal. Go Google!
