
Top Tip: Write Your Recipe!

I'm in a state of shock right now.  I happily took a break from Neurobiology classwork to slap some paint on my Brotherhood Wolf Guard models... only to realize halfway through Step 3 that I couldn't remember the washes to use!

EDIT:  I'm thread-jacking this thing to let you know my article dropped over on the House of Paincakes: check it out.

I ended up having to experiment to recreate it, and luckily I ended up remembering it was a combination of washes in a specific order.  Still, I'd already base-washed 3 models, so I'm hoping I can correct it without issue.  WRITE YOUR RECIPE!

EDIT:  The Master Manipulator (every store needs one) just mentioned in a comment that he keeps a small, black composition book next to his painting desk to write his recipes down in.  I decided to edit this post and add that, since it's a great suggestion.  I commonly keep a digital recorder handy to document ideas (stories, articles, Off Topical jokes - that kind of thing) but it never occurred to me to keep track of recipes with it.  Worth a try though.

EDIT EDIT:  It turns out Dethtron has already posted about his painting journal - obviously the Master Manipulator (every store needs one) is a big idea thief!  Plus, the thinks I dip my models in poo.

My Brotherhood Dreadnought, Bjorn the Claw-Handed.  What can I say?  I love the model, so Ebay'd it!
My mess.  That's a Root Beer, the only real substitute for Shiner Bock before noon.  No, I don't actually drink as much as I imply.  I'm a beer a day dude, unless I'm on vacation.
My mess, again.  I need to clean my station but that takes time away from painting.
Brotherhood models sharing space with Chaos Space Marines.  Maybe they're sharing spikey bitz.


  1. I have one of those black composition books that I keep in my desk drawer specifically for this. Of course it only helps if you actually use it, but I try to be disciplined on this.

  2. Brent: for the one millionth time (okay, its only the second time): what is the recipe for the armor?

  3. Lauby: I haven't forgotten! I'm working through these dudes and writing it down - complete with pictures - as I go.

    It'll be an article for tabletop quality dudes. :)

  4. Here let me help....

    Take any miniature....smear it with a chocolate bar.

    Now....drop it in a pile of excrement.

    Follow these steps carefully and you too can have minis that look like Brent's.

    Of course I kid...or do I!

  5. MM(esno): are you applying for the job of Official Strictly Average Miniature and Painting Criticizer? I guess Da Warboss Stalin could use the help!

  6. ahem! credit where credit is due. Especially when it is due me...


    also this will no doubt make you laugh (from the comments from above article)


  7. No no no, I've had a painting journal since Vietnam! I've got the patent, not Dethtron!

  8. That's a sign to stop relying on washes ;) Kidding Brent! I had to do that with my latest Tau commission, as well as my own new Tau army, so I didn't get halfway through a Crisis Suit and notice it looked different.

  9. Where did you get those organisers from? I've been looking for something like those to keep bits in.

  10. I got them from Lowes on the cheap - last time I went through Home Depot, they had something similar. I really love 'em - they allow me to organize a ton of bits where I can see them.


  11. holy crap, I just noticed something! Do you also have the pink tool set?

  12. I have also fallen victim to this dilemma. It's one of the main reasons I don't mix paints either. Keeping up with what colors something is is tough enough, heaven forbid I start mixing them up. The log is a really good idea, but as Master Manipulator said, you actually have to use it. I've got a cute little notebook that sits on my desk, woefully blank.

  13. organization bins are cheaper at Harbor Freight. I use them for Hirst Arts brick storage.
