
I'm Thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sam-I-Am and I played a Fun-N-Fluffy game earlier this week, where I took an Eldar Warhost against his Chaos Space Marines.  Frankly, it was nice to play a game where the result didn't matter.  

As I look back on this past year, I realize it's been among the best I've had.  My brother is back safe from war, I graduated with honors, and I'm still blessed with a strong marriage.

I'm a big believer in stress-relief, in taking care of yourself by investing in yourself.  My hobbies are a big part of that.  On that end, too, this last year has been pretty incredible.  Besides Strictly Average, I've been privileged to write for Blood of Kittens, House of Paincakes, and of course Bell of Lost Souls.  My stuff has appeared in Yes The Truth Hurts, which I always got a kick out of, and I've had to turn down offers to write for some really great blogs, time being what it is.

That's all great, but community is what it's about for me.  I value the people I've met through this medium, and I consider many of them friends, for all that I've not had the honor of meeting them in person just yet.  That will happen.

Where would I be without the locals?  I probably don't say it nearly enough, but my favorite local gamestore is home to numerous personalities - many of whom I've saddled with a nickname and written about online - who bring a passion and a depth of experience others can only envy.  Over the past year, I've grown as a player and as a painter by leaning on these dudes... and in some cases stealing their ideas outright.

I steal all of my best ideas.  I wasn't kidding.

I can't say enough about 'em.  They're great guys.

On the hobby front, my brother introduced me to the latest gig.  Many of you aren't aware of the podcast I'm involved in, which is fine.  I like to keep things separate, so while there's a link here I haven't really talked about it.  Episode 4 is going up today, after a long hiatus, and I think they keep getting better and better.  My brother moved to a new home, along with his wife and two Black Labradors, so we had to take a breather... but the new home has an Off Topical studio now - expect bad things to come of that!

These last five years have been a huge transition for me.  I wrote up a paragraph only to delete it: it doesn't matter: the future is what's important.

I've got great family, great friends, and an awesome - if evil - cat.  I've got a new job to look forward to, working in the trenches of mental illness.

You folks have been good practice! :)



  1. Great post, Brent!

    Glad to hear so much is going so well. Even in the tough times there's hope and things are always on the up. There's a lot to be thankful for, not least having you firing on all cylinders and radiating positivity. Cheers for what you do and long may it go on!

  2. Always enjoy the good times bro !

    : )


  3. We're all thankful for you too Brent.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Thanks for all the beatings, I've enjoyed getting you geared up for the boyz. It's great to have you around, you always bring a positive attitude to the store. The only problem is that when you leave the store then there is nothing but negativity left behind.
    Thanks Brother

  5. A good and moving post. I am totally stealing this idea.
