
Da Boyz Daemons!

Da Boyz!  Daemons!  I'm already getting excited.  Here they are.  Not like you don't already know.

Da Boyz Daemons!

Check out this picture; it bears some discussion.  Notice the difference?  It's something that's been bothering me for awhile, but the basing color I used on the rims is rather bland, especially in pictures.

But in real life, too.  Normally I leave the rim black, that way there is consistency throughout my armies.

What if I want to use these Daemons in a Chaos Space Marines Force?  The base is different... but I'll cross that bridge when I get there.  I'm happy with the brighter brown color.  I think it makes the bases pop better.

I've always been happy with how these dudes turned out.  I like having all 4 on the board... my Tzeentchian Air Force.

The one on the left has a busted arm.  I didn't notice until these pictures, so I ended up replacing the model with my other one.  I suppose I could have fixed it...

The newest Horrors.  

And playing the part of the Changeling... because he, you know, changes...  What can I say?  I like the model now and want to use it.

I can see these Plaguebearer bases need some sprucing up.

These models are actually a long way from finished.  In my mind's eye, I see them with Daemonette riders.  Obviously I can't finish that anytime soon, but I have started touching them up, picking out accent colors and the like.  Frankly though, they won't look much different before the weekend.


  1. Awesome dude, can't wait to see you there.

  2. Ya, my man, actually meeting you in person is a big part of the reason I'm excited about the trip.


    Sorry, that slipped out...

  3. three things brent:
    1. Nice army
    2. what's wrong with the fiend models?
    3. So your pink horrors, they look good, why did they make the others, that look like an inbred petting zoo?


  4. Deki:

    1) Thanks!
    2) Nothing! They're cheaper than metals - I wanna snaz 'em up some.
    3) No idea, no idea. They should have done plastic 'Bearers first, in my humble opinion.

