
Rupert's Black Templars Land Raider

On Blogging Part VIII on Blood of Kittens today highlights the work of Rupert, a talented speed-painter from the United Kingdom.  I wasn't able to use this picture due to its size so I saved it to show off here.  Make sure you check out the article and drop a comment.


  1. I like the look, but I feel that the purity seals on the top of the tank are facing the wrong way- seems like they'd blow behind the raider when it's moving, not forwards.

  2. All going in my file of references to steal (er-borrow liberally!) from when I start painting my BT army. Fabulous.

  3. Lol, looks good. Lately I've been working on my blending rather than just do line highlights, and when I looked at this tank, I realized that with black, there isn't really an option to blend that wouldn't look ridiculous.

    That being said, the line highlights are thin and noticable enough here that it makes the tank look great. Sometimes all you need are line highlights!

  4. His wolves are even better, and painted in the same manner.
