
Finalized Da Boyz List

I had two practice games this week, both of which will eventually become video battle reports - if I can get iMovie to cooperate.

(I'm having issues with importing movies from iPhoto, if anyone out there knows what to do. For some reason, it's not showing up in the event library.  The files are an .mpg - that's supported by iMovie, yes?)

Anyway, after much testing of alternate lists and concepts, I went with something very close to my normal army.

From the test game with Evil Homer - those tanks in the middle are the only proxy - they're actually Demolishers.
2 Units: Herald of Tzeentch on a Chariot with Gaze, Bolt, Breath, and Master, 130.
3 Units: Fiends with Champ, 190.
1 Unit: Plaguebearers, 10-strong with Icon, 175.
1 Unit: Plaguebearers, 5-strong, 75.
1 Unit: Pink Horrors, 10-strong with Icon and Changeling, 200.
2 Units: Pink Horrors, 5-strong with Bolt, 95.
2 Units: Daemon Prince of Tzeentch with Gaze, Bolt, and Breath, 190.

I'm actually fairly happy with it.  It's strong, though not the strongest list I could make.  There's a nod to comp.

My normal, optimized list is 4 Heralds, 3 Fiends, 3 DP's, and 4 Bearers - or thereabouts.  This version of the army drops 2 Heralds and a DP, plus mixes up the troops a bit by, you know, actually having them.  There's 35 troop models in this list, which is 15 more than most builds I use.

Plaugebearers are normally all you need, and their job is to hold objectives.  Period.  Because they are Fearless with Feel No Pain, dropping them in terrain and going to ground makes a 5-man unit very hard to shift.

Moving on, I had fun with the idea of dropping a Herald of Khorne on a Jugger with a unit of Bloodletters.  It didn't make the cut because it's unnecessary - I can already kill infantry.

The other obvious cut was Soul Grinders.  I've been on record for awhile saying DP's are better, and the testing didn't make me change my mind.  That said, Grinders are fun and used properly seem to be effective

Still, they don't store worth a *SELF-EDIT* and carry-ons are expensive.  All my toys will fit in one box.

Surprisingly, Icons are in.  I still maintain they're unnecessary, but since I'm dropping a significant portion of my shooting in an army already short on effective firepower, I felt I needed a security blanket.

I could go on (and on and on and on) but at this point I'm just putting off getting back to work on the video.


  1. Nobody meta's against daemons; you will do great.

  2. Looks fine by me, Brent. Not totally optimized, but still plenty capable.

    See you there :3

  3. Thanks dan, I feel a little less shitty about my army, I guess demons were a good choice after all, also brent, I kinda posted a comment anonymously, bad habit, from 4chan, sorry, look forward to playing.

  4. Alonzo: no worries, mate. I'm cool with Anon comments.

    I wish I could see that pic, though - the link didn't come through.

  5. It was kinda lame, just a. Pink bloodletter macro, so much for meme generator, of course, I hate the 4chan.org/tg/ board, its all space marines, I wish I could find it, I should save it next time I see it
