
Grayscale for Dummies

I'm writing a grant proposal for class... except I started 7 hours ago and now I'm crazy.  It's beginning to get to me, so I spent 15 minutes working on the chain mail change everyone's been suggesting for my Nurgle Chaos Knight.

For reference, I used the grayscale pic from the last post.  You know what?  It works... I guess those good painters know a thing or three after all.  So I tried it with another miniature.

Point is, it's effective.  And two posts for basically no effort - that's never bad.


  1. WOWWIE!!!

    That is a sexy miniature. Both in color and in gray scale.

    Because of the Black armor, you balanced it very well with the Yellow helmet and the pink cape. Finally your mid tones work as a counter balance (upper right corner to the lower right and upper left "whites") giving your miniature a very good painting composition.

  2. Oooh grayscale comparisons.... I can do it too :-)


    Not terrible... they could use a little highlighting.

  3. 2 things here Brent:

    1) Fantastic looking mini!
    2) Finally, someone who's laziness when it comes to posts eclipses my own.

    I salute you sir!

  4. Alas poor Brother-Sergent Yorick. I knew him...a fellow of infinite jest.
