
Warhammer: Moving Skirmishers

So, moving skirmishers is a bit different.  It seems needlessly complicated, but that's probably because it's new.  We're using the cork to illustrate the movement.

So the models in the skirmishing unit have to stay within a half an inch of each other and they move in a block.  The unit can reform as many times as it wants... and that's why I wonder why they bothered complicating it - why not just allow each model to move no further than it's maximum?  I think it's designed to keep the block formation intact throughout the move.
We marked the model's place in the formation and its final spot; hopefully to illustrate how it works - it's not meant to represent a wheeling formation.  That movement pivots off the inside corner.
The unit stays in its block, each model moving in a loose formation.  Each model moved no more than its basic movement so the unit can shoot.

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