
The Not-So-Super-Secret Eldar Team Tournament Army...

...for BoLSCon 2010.

This is literally the best army I can create right now.  I hope you dig it.  EDIT: Yes, it's a Footdar.  That's what me and Fritz wanted!  I don't mean an optimized list, I mean a converted and painted army.

The army is Elle-drag, the Farseer...
Fire Dragons
Storm Guardians, Warlock with Enhance (2 Units, male and female)
Dark Reapers (2 Units)

The basic idea, which I'll expound on tomorrow, is a Craftworld that's turned to Slaanesh.  The women are in charge: you'll notice the men are in drab robes with collars.

I'm beat - more tomorrow.


  1. Great looking stuff!

    Would have also made a great way to convert up some Dark Eldar as well. Good stuff though.

  2. Sex-ay!!!

    Wow. Awesome color combos, crisp lines, and I'm really diggin' the black on the bases... ;)

  3. Awesome. I knew the (not so) super secret army was FootDar, but this is a whole new level.

    The conversions work is simply superb!

  4. robster craws and freaky eyes that look like they're from "the bloodening"

    I approve

  5. I 100% approve this army. And not just because the women are in charge. (Although, you do win brownie points for that.) I can't help but wonder your wife's opinion on this army.

  6. Nice, very nice. Good idea, good conversions, good painting, good everything. And you got it done in time. I'd say this is 'Above Average'.

    P.S. If you're not careful, this is going to make everyone forget the Dyson.

  7. Whoaaa there SAJ. This is a great looking army, but it will take a lot of crab people to clean up the spill that is The Dyson Pattern Storm Buster.

  8. Who wants to make anyone forget? I like running jokes I do. I'm putting the Dyson Patter Storm Buster on the display board!

    Jenn: She loves it. In high school I went through a crazy Gor period, where I ordered the series and read it straight through. Naturally I'd talk about chaining her to the end of the bed or something (look it up), but she claimed she was from the planet Jennifer where the chicks were in charge.

    Girl power and all that.

    Ironic, no?

  9. Well this actually looks good so I'll forgive you for canceling our game last week to paint. Unfortunately I can never forgive you for making me turn to the dark side(Lewis and his blog).

  10. Wow!
    This army is fantastic looking.I really like the Slaanesh Conversions. However, what I really like is the Exarch conversion for the Dark Reapers...
    ...that is a really big gun!

  11. Thanks Mags - I really appreciate it!

  12. A budding new Doc Thunder? :p

    Nah, these are great, truly.

    AND, they are killing the FootDar hankering - I simply cannot match that in time.

    You win, I win...the only loser here is Not Brent!

  13. Not Brent hurts Brent's feelings... thanks for the compliments TKE, guys - I really appreciate it.

    I was sweatin' it after the Storm Buster, the Dyson Pattern Storm Raven!


  14. http://warhammer40kbloodangels.blogspot.com/2010/07/sad-news.html

    Does this mean what I think it means?

    No footdar pairs?

  15. Nope, no Footdar. :(

    Fritz contacted me earlier today but I didn't want to break the news - I wasn't sure it was mine to tell.

    Something serious and unavoidable has come up, and Jawa and Fritz can't make BoLSCon.

    I wish Fritz and his family all the best.

    My new Team Tournament partner is...



  16. Love the color of that armor, how have you achieved it?
