
In our Cups

Okay, an hour and a half left in the doubles tournament.  There are 56 tables, and after two games Brent and Goatboy have earned their spot on table #4 with an overall score of 75.  The front-runner on table #1 has a score of 92.  Soon we will see who drinks from the victor's cup.

I wonder if Brent has noticed the Unicorn on table #2.  Unlike him, I believe.

Sidebar: As I type this in the hotel bar, I overhear a suit complain he only has time for this "token tipple."  Working stiff.  Having a two-beer-buzz myself, I've enjoyed the fact that while this has been an orderly, well-run, family friendly event, I have seen some gamers with beer at their gaming table.  Heck, one of the duties on my ever growing list of duties as Brent's valet is fetching him and Goatboy oat sodas.  And the rumor is, that the people who have brought us this fine event are interested in keeping the grog available for the commanding officers.  So cheers, Bols!


  1. Why did you scratch her eyes out?

  2. Too...many...Wraith...constructs...

  3. Love the mid-tourney update!

    LOL I guess all those Wraiths is why the bugs are working with them, nothing to eat there. ;)

    I dunno about you guys, but 'scratch her eyes out' is how some of us girls fight. teehee!

  4. You're calling the author a girl? Thats not nice!

  5. Not at all... I'm just saying he may have had an equally valid reason.

  6. Picture of a unicorn, but not me

  7. dasl;kjdf;askldjf

