
WarGames Con Quickie...

Posted by Picasa
Elle-Drag, her Warlocks, and a few Fire Dragons
This is me, messing with Picasa.  I'm taking my setup to BoLSCon - er, sorry: WarGames Con so I can bring you multiple updates each day.

Why am I messing with Picasa?  I'm trying to make it easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy for my Indentured Servant, the Blogger Formally Known as Herr Fernseher.

Here's the group shot Mags wanted.  I've already taken down my camera equipment for transport, so this isn't the world's greatest shot.

See what kind of snob the Master Manipulator (every store needs one) has turned me into?

More updates soon - Brent


  1. Guess I wont see you at the store tomorrow, so good luck at the Con.

  2. What? You dare give us such a sub-quality shot?!?! LOL!

    The army is looking great, Good Luck!

  3. Im very impressed with the conversions and the color scheme compliments the army perfectly. Good luck at the Con.
