
Beastmen Lords and Heroes...

...and a Shaggoth that won't stop hanging around.

(Before we get started, make sure you check out Blood of Kittens today for the real story of Hard Boyz 2009.)

(Also, if you're not reading Lauby Industries, start checking it out!  I owe him a link or three for all the help he's given me with my Not-So-Secret-BoLSCon-Oops-WarGamesCon-Army.)

(As always, click for a closer look.)

The second picture illustrates my biggest regret with the army.  You'll notice the Wargor on the right is significantly lighter, and cleaner, than the other models.  That's because I dipped my Beastmen army.

I'm not dissatisfied with the army as a whole, but I wish I'd passed on dipping the character models and the Shaggoth.  Frankly, they looked better before I did it.

I think dipping is a viable technique if it is used in moderation.  Also, I didn't control the flow enough and allowed the dip to pool in places it shouldn't have.  Still, in the future I doubt I'll dip an army.  The washes are too easy to use and don't lend themselves to the same mistakes.

1 comment:

  1. looks good man, but I have to agree that the un-dipped guy looks best. chalk one up to learning

    word verification of the day
    entedum- a small town in Maryland most famous for having a small element of Union soldiers show up at the wrong place, looking for a fight.
