
Super-Secret is Super-Tough

Let's face it...

... this is basically a 40K blog.

I reserve the right to talk about anything and everything hobby related, and of course I do.  Still, I've never deviated from my passion.  While I enjoy talking about Confrontation and other games of all sorts, I love Warhammer 40K.

Part of the problem is all the super-secret...ness of my BoLSCon preparation.  For weeks I've been hard at work on stuff I can show you yet.  That does suck, 'cause I'm looking forward to it.

So, what's the solution?  I've got some ideas.

Until then, check out this site, recommended to me by a dude commenting on my Strictly Plasticard article on Blood of Kittens.  This is proof a silver Storm Raven can work.

Just not mine...


  1. So secret even I don't know what it is!

  2. Omg! This is simply the most beautiful silver Storm Raven I've ever seen! Look how it is painted...the red for accent is perfect! Brent, you really do a great job of finding other people's good work to put on your site. Brent? Brent, why are you crying?

  3. I don't think its silver. It's grey with white highlights. The panel lines were airbrushed over and then edge highlighted it looks like.

    I think his GK are the real deal too, GREY like GREY Knights should be.

  4. I hate it, it looks like a hand held vacuum cleaner.

    Nice Thunderchick though :P
