
Stolen Content: Terrain Edition

I blog.  I troll.

I think - I'm not actually sure what trolling is, but evidently it's popular.  Who doesn't want to be popular?  I'd better start trolling in earnest.  Not to be confused with Ernest - 'cause that's just gross.

So, with a lack of time, I present to you content stolen from others.  What I like about these is they seem like something anyone could do, so eventually I mean to try.  Not really.  You could though.  Maybe.

Evil Homer says: Don't (Get Caught) Steal(ing)


  1. That cat is epic! I wonder how much flocking they used to get all the fur to look right ;-)

  2. "Oh, who am I kidding, I can't build a cat."

    Some neat ideas here, definitely "borrowing" a couple of them for working on my own table pieces.

    And yeah, that cat is good, but could probably have used another layer of Badab Black wash to really bring out the depth of the fur. Maybe it's just the lighting, but it looks kinda flat and lifeless in that pic.

  3. Is that a gloss varnish on the eyes?

    I've been practising that technique, but I can't get the intelligence to show like that...hrmm.

    You're no Troll. <3

  4. I would mistake a bunch of Eldar for a litter box also if I were a cat. Hell, I don't have to be a cat to poop on them though.

  5. Master Manipulator (every store needs one)April 22, 2010 at 9:48 AM

    So, do you ever wonder if your wife tosses a bit of cat nip in your minis box when you are not around?

    My cat has the same thing but she normally sits on backpacks, laptop bags, card binders, or anything else made of that material. So while annoying, mine is a bit less destructive.

    Big Whit, I thought you felt Eldar were poop, not litter to poop on.
