
NMM: Dante... and Jawaballs!

I captured some work-in-progress pictures of Little Barrera's Dante in Non-Metallic-Metal.  Obviously there's a ways to go, but he's tightening up the blends to the gold now.  Thoughts? 

You can click on the picture for a more detailed look.

There you have it.  What do you think, and have you given any thought to how your planning on painting your Blood Angels?

Now, obviously there is a running joke on Strictly Average about net-stalking Jawaballs, because I think stuff is funny long past the point anyone else does.  For the record (and I may not admit this again) it's just a joke - completely harmless.  I don't know how often he gets over here, since frankly I think he's too busy with his painting videos and such, but when he has he's had a good sense of humor about it.  I've met him in person and he's a genuine, decent guy.

I say all that to say this: if you're planning on painting Blood Angels in the traditional way, check out his videos.  He's working on a new series now, incorporating the techniques GW uses as well as those he's come up with.  When I made my objective markers for BoLSCon, with dead Blood Angels and Space Goats, I tried to imitate his style, and consequently did the best job painting red I've ever done.

Don't worry - he's not paying me to say this, this is all me, but I'm serious about it: check it out.


(...this could be a trick of some sort, you know, to lure him into a false sense of complacency...)


  1. I'm not a fan of gold in the BA line. I just think it ruins the whole theme but that's a pretty decent job, pics when done!

    One day Jawa may return the favor Brent, one day.

  2. <3 NMM, especially 'Gold' NMM. One day, I'm going to try it myself. I'm just a little reluctant to take the plunge, not least because I have so many non-frivolous things to paint, and my NMM experiment will be a Silver Skulls tester. Sigh. I wish I was Golden Daemon standard.

  3. I wish you had an off button.

    (my one liners today have been brilliant)
